
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Covid Campaign Appeals

कोरोनाच्या काळात कोट्यवधी मजुरांना अन्न पुरवठा करावाच लागेल – ज्याँ द्रेज आणि तीस्ता सेटलवाड

भारतासह संपूर्ण जग आज एका खूप मोठ्या संकटकाळातून जात आहे. जन आरोग्याशी (Public health) संबंधित या भीतीदायक संकटाचे नाव आहे COVID-19. जगभरात आज लोक या वैश्विक साथीच्या रोगापासून आपले अस्तित्व वाचवण्यासाठी धडपडत आहेत. पण अशावेळी भारतातील लोक यापेक्षा मोठ्या संकटाशी लढत आहेत. या भीषण संकट काळात देशातील खूप मोठी लोकसंख्या भूक, भोजनाचा अभाव आणि पोषणाच्या…

Covid19 Lockdown: भुखमरी से कैसे लड़ें? Excerpts from Economist Jean Drèze's interview with CJP Secretary Teesta Setalvad

विश्व विख्यात अर्थशास्त्री ज्याँ द्रेज़ की ज़ुबानी | Related: CJP against Hunger: Rations and essentials provided to migrant workers CJP against Hunger: Almost 1,500 families served in one day! CJP against Hunger: Essentials supplied to needy families from the North East CJP against Hunger: Team Assam goes that extra mile to distribute rations to quarantined…

Urgent अपील: कोरोना लॉकडाउन से प्रभावित मुंबई के यौनकर्मियों के परिवारों की मदद करें कामठीपुरा में प्रभावित परिवारों को हम लोग एक एक महीने का राशन देना चाहते हैं

CJP ने मुंबई में यौनकर्मियों के परिवारों की मदद के लिए द जिममे फाउंडेशन और क्रांति के साथ मिलकर एक मुहीम चलाई है. कोरोना लॉकडाउन के कारण यौन कर्मियों का रोज़गार पूरी तरह से ठप्प हो गया है, हम लोग कामठीपुरा में प्रभावित परिवारों को एक एक महीने का राशन देना चाहते हैं. कृपया इस…

Urgent Appeal: Help Mumbai’s sex workers’ families brave the CoVid-19 lockdown We are looking to provide a month’s ration to these families in Kamathipura

CJP has joined hands with The Jimme Foundation and Kranti to help families of sex workers in Mumbai. As the covid-19 lockdown brings sex work to a grinding halt, affecting their only means of income, we are looking to provide a month’s ration to the affected families in Kamathipura. Support us in this effort. Donate…

Help Mumbai’s sex workers and their families tide over the CoVid-19 lockdown CJP joins hands with Jimme Foundation and Kranti to provide relief to over 200

Sex workers have always been forced to live on the fringes of society. Even today they are one of the most exploited and marginalised communities. The proliferation of the coronavirus has brought sex work to a grinding halt, and thus affected the only means of income for these families. Now, CJP has joined hands with…

Help people living in Mumbai’s low-income neighbourhoods survive the Covid-19 lockdown CJP joins hands with Prayas, Ek Koshish to help families living in slum areas

Mumbai’s slums are home to taxi and auto rickshaw drivers, vegetable vendors, carpenters, scrap purchasers, delivery boys, waiters, domestic helps, people with HIV and many others who barely make ends meet even in the best of times. Due to the nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the Corona Virus, there is widespread anxiety among these people. Now, CJP has joined hands…

कोरोना Lockdown में फँसे जरूरतमंदों की मदद के लिए CJP ने की अपील संकट की इस घड़ी में हमारा समर्थन बहुत अहम है

CJP कोरोनावायरस संक्रमण के कारण देश मे हुए लॉकडाउन से प्रभावित लोगों तक पहुंचने का प्रयास कर रही है. The Jimme Foundation और प्रयास एक खोज के साथ मिलकर हम गरीबों और हाशिये पर मौजूद लोगों तक ज़रूरी राहत सामग्री उपलब्ध करा रहे हैं. संक्रमण के खतरे से निपटने के लिए हम असम में 10…

Coronavirus Pandemic: CJP appeals for relief CJP against CoVid-19

CJP is reaching out to people impacted by the country-wide lockdown following the Corona virus  outbreak. Working together with The Jimme Foundation and Prayas ek khoj, we are providing relief by delivering essential supplies to the poor and  marginalised. We have also raising funds to distribute 10,000 masks in Assam to counter the threat of…

Urgent plea: 10,000 masks needed for the Assam Community and CJP Team For those in Assam who are battling the citizenship crisis amid coronavirus

CJP Assam team has been working day and night, helping people whose names have been excluded from the final NRC, with applications and documents. Even as all NRC related processes were put on hold by the Assam government in wake of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, our team has soldiered on wearing masks and…

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