
Citizens for Justice and Peace


EXCLUSIVE! I converted voluntarily: Priest’s widow debunks Assam BJP leaders’ hate campaign Says she married a Muslim man and converted to Islam willingly

After two people, including a 12-year-old child, were brutally shot dead by Assam Police in Gorukhuti village of the Dholpur (Dhalpur) region of Assam’s Darrang district last week, efforts are being made by a desperate regime to deflect attention from the entire sordid state of affairs that began with the heartless eviction of as many…

Curbing Freedom of Faith: India’s Anti-Conversion laws A Factsheet showcasing laws enacted by different states to curb conversions

The Indian Constitution grants every citizen the freedom ‘to practice and propagate his/her faith.’ (Article 25) Yet several states, currently ruled by the supremacist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have in place laws enacted to ostensibly stop ‘forcible conversions.’ This when conversion, by extension of Article 25 remains a fundamental right, at least on paper. Arguably,…

Varanasi Church Attack Case

A Blue Christmas How caroling can get you thrown in jail in 2017

Winters in Central India are cold and dry. Parishioners can often be seen huddled together, despite their layers of winter wear, as they sing the Lord’s praises in the run up to Christmas. But the winter of 2017 was particularly harsh for men of faith in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh. Over 30 seminarians and…

RSS sets up Defence Army in Tribal India

Written by author and activist, John Dayal The extremist Hindutva Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and its frontal organisation Dharma Jagran Vibhag (religious awakening department) have decided to set up 21-member youth cadres in every village of the tribal Chhattisgarh state in Central India called the Raksha Sena or Defence Army, ostensibly to check conversions to…

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