
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Constitution of India

Today we Renew our Pledge to Fight for All Indians A small message from CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad on Constitution day

Since its formation in 2002, CJP’s work has expanded and multiplied while its vision has only strengthened and deepened. You will find us active in the challenging work of legal literacy: engaging with hapless and unlettered persons being rendered stateless by Foreigner’s Tribunals (Assam’s Citizenship Crisis), forest dwellers and Adivasis in protecting their land and…

Linking Aadhaar to Social Media From public welfare distribution to surveillance?

The State on numerous occasions has tried to impose the use of the Aadhaar card upon the citizens. While, the Supreme Court has upheld a few of such mandates of the State, the question of whether the imposition is valid on few other services keeps coming up before the Courts of the land vide myriad…

Understanding Article 370 A compilation

Article 370 was brought into the Constitution after the events of 1947, when a more popular section of the Kashmiri leadership, led by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, negotiated Kashmir’s unique relationship with the Indian Union. The “special status” granted to the state through Article 370 allows the state to have its own Constitution – that is…

Justice Chandrachud on Why the Constitution Matters Firebrand Supreme Court Justice denounces Mob Lynching and Criminalisation of Dissent

Supreme Court Justice D Y Chandrachud, who is best known for penning dissenting judgments in landmark cases like Aadhaar and the arrest of well-known human rights activists, (where he stated “Dissent is the Safety Valve of Democracy“), reaffirmed his fierce commitment to defending constitutional values and democratic principles, with an extraordinary speech in Mumbai. Speaking…

सत्य और न्याय के लिए हमारी जंग जारी है सचिव की कलम से

ये सफ़र तकरीबन 17 साल पहले शुरू हुआ था. सन 2002 गुजरात में जब नफ़रत की आग भड़काई गई, तो न्याय की उम्मीद लिए हम अदालत पहुंचे, और अदालत के अंदर और बाहर जिरह का सिलसिला शुरू हो गया, यही इस सफ़र की शुरुआत थी. ये अनुभव चुनौतीपूर्ण भी रहा और बेहद अनूठा भी. इसकी अंतर्दृष्टि, मानव अधिकार…

EXCLUSIVE: Justice PB Sawant lays Threadbare the RSS’s Agenda Exposes the Right Wing's ultimate objective to get rid of the Constitution

In an exclusive interview to Teesta Setalvad, (Retd) Justice PB Sawant tells us why no action has been taken against Sambhaji Bhide in the Bhima Koregaon case so far. He also explains how the two sets of raids on activists and dissenting voices are a part of a wider RSS agenda to replace the Constitution…

We the People of India Reaffirming the Commitment to Defending the Constitution

People from across the country join CJP to reaffirm their commitment to defending the Indian Constitution, on Nov 26, 2017 (Constitution Day), the day of CJP’s website relaunch. This video was originally published on Nov 26. It is being republished on International Day of Human Rights to reaffirm CJP’s commitment to fight for the rights…

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