
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Claims and Objections

filed against Renowned Assamese People

Some Claims and Objections SOPs vague: Scope for Corruption? Unclear provisions leave it entirely to NRC officials to decide people's fate

In a fresh statewide directive, Prateek Hajela, the State Coordinator of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) has shared some Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Claims and Objections process that deal with additional information to be taken into account while processing claims in special cases such as children under 14, married women, people who…

future of 32 lakh people

Impossible deadline for filing NRC Claim forms threatens future of 32 lakh people! Less than 10 days to go, 80 percent claim forms yet to be submitted

Even as the December 15 deadline for filing NRC Claim forms looms large, nearly 32 lakh people are yet to file their claims. Over the last 73 days, only 8,10,000 people have been able to complete the process. That comes to approximately 11,095 application filed per day. Given how now there are less than ten…

Nagrik Seva Kendras

CJP इम्पैक्ट: दावा-आपत्ति की प्रक्रिया में NRC प्राधिकरण की नर्मी महिलाओं और बच्चों द्वारा सही जा रही परेशानियों को उजागर करने वाले CJP के Facebook Live के बाद आया बदलाव

21 नवंबर को CJP की सचिव तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ और हमारी असम परियोजना समन्वयक ज़मशेर अली एक साथ एक फेसबुक लाइव प्रसारण में दिखाई दिए. इस प्रसारण में राष्ट्रीय नागरिकता रजिस्टर (NRC) में दावा दर्ज कराने की प्रक्रिया के उन पहलुओं की जानकारी दी गई जिसके कारण कई लोगों को भारी चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है.…

10,000 applications of NRC claims in just 40 hours in Assam

CJP Impact: 10,000 Claim forms filled in just 40 hours in Assam! Ordinary citizens respond to CJP's call for help and chip in over a 3 day holiday

After CJP called for assistance in helping people file NRC Claim forms in small and remote villages, over 200 government employees, teachers, educated youth and members of a few social organisations came forward. They took advantage of a three day holiday and joined hands with CJP to help fill out as many as 10,000 NRC…

Nagrik Seva Kendras

CJP Impact: NRC Authority relaxes stand on SOPs for Claims and Objections Process Move comes day after CJP Facebook Live exposes how women and children are suffering

On November 21, CJP Secretary Teesta Setalvad and our Assam Project Coordinator Zamser Ali appeared together on a Facebook Live broadcast to highlight the plight of people who were facing several challenges in filing claims to have their names included in the National Register of Citizens (NRC). A day after this, NRC State Coordinator Prateek…

CJP Launches App to aid in Filing NRC Claims in Assam App will help volunteers collect data and streamline process

Assam is on the precipice of a major crisis, with more than 40 lakh people being left out of its National Register of Citizens. In spite of the claims and objections process having begun, and less than one month before it concludes, more than 35 lakh people have reportedly not yet applied to be included…

CJP in Action: Our Volunteer Motivators Go Above and Beyond Our toll-free helpline widens our reach

CJP’s Volunteer Motivators (VMs) are committed to helping people all over Assam with filing claims and objections for the National Register of Citizens (NRC). Our toll-free helpline allows our volunteers to not only immediately help callers, but also expand our reach to areas that have thus far not received much assistance. Recently, a college student…

এনআৰচিৰ দাবী আৰু আপত্তি প্ৰক্ৰিয়াত সঘনাই উত্থাপন হোৱা প্ৰশ্নসমূহ চিজেপি অসম গোটৰ টলফ্ৰি নম্বৰলৈ অহা প্ৰশ্নসমূহ

চিজেপি অসম গোটে এন আৰ চিৰ নাম অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত নোহোৱা ব্যক্তিসকলক দাবী-আপত্তি আবেদন প্ৰক্ৰিয়াত সহায় কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে অক্টোবৰ ২০১৮ ত এটি বিনামূলীয়া টেলিফোন সেৱা মুকলি কৰে। সঘনাই উত্থাপন হোৱা কিছু প্ৰশ্নৰ তালিকা তলত দিয়া হ’ল।    

Frequently Asked Questions for the NRC’s Claims and Objections Process CJP's team in Assam fields questions on our toll-free number

CJP’s team in Assam launched a toll-free number in October 2018 to help those who have been excluded from the final draft of Assam’s National Register of Citizens (NRC) file claims and objections. Here is a list of some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the process:    

Nagrik Seva Kendras

CJP in Action: No hurdle too big for our Volunteer Motivators Our work with those excluded from Assam's NRC persists

CJP’s efforts in Assam are ongoing, with our committed volunteers helping people across the state with the process for filing claims and objections for the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which has disrupted the lives of millions, leaving their fate as Indian citizens in limbo. Within a month of our toll-free helpline being launched, we…

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