यह रही CJP की मार्गदर्शिका, जिसमें घर पर रहकर, कोविड के लक्षण को समझने, आसानी से मैनेज करने और घर पर ही ठीक होने के तरीके बताए गए हैं. आप कई अन्य भाषाओं की बुकलेट और कोविड से सम्बंधित जानकारियां https://cjp.org.in/ से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं. A Podcast Series by Citizens for Justice & Peace · Episode…
Grassroot Fellowship Programme by CJP is a one of its kind endeavour which gives voices to the underrepresented. With the power of storytelling also comes empowerment. CJP provides these young fellows from underrepresented communities to take charge of the narrative by providing them with knowledge and tools. In the first episode of this three-part series,…
From Citizenship concerns in Assam, to an unequal battle for Forest Rights, from rights defenders put behind bars, to young CJP Fellows, we bring to you our new podcast series, Rightscast. Listen to these important conversations around Human Rights issues, tales of struggles to uphold India’s Constitution and the voices of everyday Indians. To Know…