39-year-old Rahman Ali hails from Moukhowa village that falls under the jurisdiction of the Manikpur police station in Bongaigaon district. He was declared ‘foreigner’ and sent to the Goalpara detention camp on May 22, 2018. Rahman left behind his wife Arjina Begum and three daughters Rinkuma, Rehana and Rojmina who was only 9 months old…
On Tuesday June 2, Rahman Ali, a Goria Muslim man belonging to an indigenous group in Assam, was released on conditional bail from the Goalpara Detention Camp after CJP stepped in to organise sureties and complete his bail formalities. But the true reward lay in reuniting Rahman with his three daughters. 39-year-old Rahman Ali hails…
Lalit Thakur has had an eventful life. He was a barber from Bihar whose family had moved to Assam. Then he lost his home during ethnic clashes in the state. But never in his life did the 58-year-old expect to be declared a ‘foreigner’ in his own country and sent to a detention camp! After…
On Wednesday, May 13, CJP helped Purnima Biswas and Harimohan Barman, step out of Assam’s infamous detention camps and reunite with their families. So far, we have helped 25 such people across the state secure release from detention camps in Goalpara, Kokrajhar, Jorhat and Tezpur. Here’s a closer look at their cases. Now that the…
पिछले साल (2019) मई और इस साल (2020) अप्रैल में सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने दो फैसले सुनाए थे. शीर्ष अदालत के इन फैसलों से असम के डिटेंशन कैंपों में डाले गए लोगों की सशर्त रिहाई का रास्ता साफ हुआ है. CJP इन लोगों की रिहाई की लगातार कोशिश में लगा है. CJP की कोशिश की बदौलत…
In yet another moment of victory, CJP team in Assam has helped secure the release of three more inmates living in detention camps. For years, the detainees had been languishing in the many detention camps around Assam. On May 11th, they were released from the camps, after persistent efforts by CJP team over the past…
Ever since the nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus began migrant workers have perhaps been the worst hit. As most of them work as daily wage earners in fields like construction, loading and unloading of goods or running deliveries, they lost their source of income overnight. With little or no savings, the…
Ever since two Supreme Court orders, dated May 2019 and April 2020, made it possible for inmates of detention camps get conditional bail, CJP has been trying to help secure their release. 21 people had already come out due to the efforts of CJP, and on Monday, May 11 we were able to add three…
48-year-old Zubeida Khatoon from Manipurtup village, who was coming to terms with her husband’s death when the police picked her up and produced her before a Foreigners’ Tribunal (FT). The FT rejected the documents she submitted and sent her to the Jorhat detention camp, where she spent five years, leaving behind her then seven year…
CJP ने राज्य के विभिन्न डिटेंशन कैंपों में बंद 9 लोगों को रिहा कराया। ये लोग अपने परिवार से मिलने की आशा में बहुत खुश हुए, यह CJP की एक बड़ी उपलब्धि है। असम की मदद करने मे हमारा साथ दीजिए। अधिक जानने के लिए यह वीडियो देखें। Related: CJP steps in to defend citizenship…