
Citizens for Justice and Peace

CJP NRC helpline

असम में मानवीय त्रासदी के खिलाफ CJP का अभियान भारतीय नागरिकों की मदद के लिए उतरी CJP टीम

असम में NRC की ड्राफ्ट लिस्ट प्रकाशित होने से पहले से ही सिटिजन फॉर जस्टिस एंड पीस, यानी CJP को समझ आ गया था कि राज्य में किस पैमाने की मुसीबत आएगी. तब से लेकर अब तक असम में CJP ने कई पहलकदमियां कीं. आइए उन पर एक नजर डालते हैं. दिसंबर 2017 में असम…

CJP Launches App to aid in Filing NRC Claims in Assam App will help volunteers collect data and streamline process

Assam is on the precipice of a major crisis, with more than 40 lakh people being left out of its National Register of Citizens. In spite of the claims and objections process having begun, and less than one month before it concludes, more than 35 lakh people have reportedly not yet applied to be included…

CJP in Action: Our Volunteer Motivators Go Above and Beyond Our toll-free helpline widens our reach

CJP’s Volunteer Motivators (VMs) are committed to helping people all over Assam with filing claims and objections for the National Register of Citizens (NRC). Our toll-free helpline allows our volunteers to not only immediately help callers, but also expand our reach to areas that have thus far not received much assistance. Recently, a college student…

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