
Citizens for Justice and Peace


EXCLUSIVE! Assam FT declares 282 people foreigner: Signed orders MISSING or full of errors Gauhati HC directs 57 cases be heard afresh

In a shocking instance of negligence and possible abuse of power, 282 people were declared foreigner by a Foreigners’ Tribunal (FT) in Assam without any record of due process, reasoning or even a signed order! When the Gauhati High Court took suo motu cognizance of the matter, and ordered an inquiry, it was revealed that…

New MHA order setback for citizens’ rights in Assam? Order grants multiple officials right to make FT reference, FTs get unspecified powers

On May 30, 2019, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) issued an ‘Extraordinary Order’ via a Gazette which in effect appears not only grant powers to multiple authorities to make a reference to Foreigners’ Tribunals (FT), but also grants rather nebulous powers to FTs themselves.  FTs are quasi-judicial authorities that decide upon the question of…

Assam man forced to prove Indian citizenship four times

चौथी बार अपनी नागरिकता साबित करने को मजबूर हैं असम के शमसुल हक़ असम में भारतीय नागरिकता पर प्रश्नचिंह - एक CJP श्रृंखला

असम में राष्ट्रीय नागरिकता रजिस्टर (NRC) प्रक्रिया का अंतिम मसौदा 30 जुलाई 2018 को जारी कर दिया गया था, जिसके चलते लिस्ट में जिन लोगों का नाम नहीं आया, वे लोग अब NRC में अपना नाम शामिल करने का आवेदन कर सकते हैं. परन्तु वे लोग इस सुविधा से अब भी वंचित हैं, जिनसे सम्बंधित मामले, फ़ॉरेनर्स ट्रिब्यूनल…

Children of Deceased DF couple struggle to prove Citizenship in Assam Gauhati HC grants temporary relief

In a shocking case in Assam, nine children of a deceased couple were forced to run from pillar to post to prove that their dead parents were indeed Indian! However, the Gauhati High Court has now granted them temporary relief. Sunahar Ali and Mojida Khatun, the deceased couple, were posthumously declared ‘foreigner’ by a Foreigners’…

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