
Citizens for Justice and Peace

CJP D-Voters

Lakhi: Luckless in Assam She grew up an orphan in Assam, and is now, a D Voter

Lakshmi is considered the goddess of wealth and good luck in India. An eastern Indian variant of this name is Lakhi. Often little girls are given this name to bless them with both these things. But wealth and luck have forever eluded Lakhi who grew up in a Guwahati orphanage, and is not saddled with…

Beauty and the bumbling Beast of Bureaucracy A nonagenarian is forced to defend her citizenship!

Moyna Barman, a Koch Rajbongshi woman in her 90s, was once the village belle. So much so that people started calling her Devi meaning goddess or angel in light of her divine looks, and that’s how her name got distorted in official records. Now the unlettered woman, who belongs to a community that is seen among the…

Empowering Assam in 2020 An honour and a privilege for CJP

The year 2020 has been challenging for people across the world due to the Coronavirus pandemic. But for those in Assam, it was particularly excruciating in light of the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protests, the Covid-19 related lockdown, the floods and the ongoing crisis related to the National Register of Citizens (NRC). Amidst all this…

CJP Impact: Four people released from Tezpur Detention Camp Previously released detainees pay it forward by referring new cases to CJP

In yet another victory, CJP has been able to secure the release of three men and one woman from an Assam detention camp. The inmates were released on conditional bail in accordance with a Supreme Court order. Banesha Khatun, Banamali Das, Rajendra Das and Binod Das, had all been languishing behind bars for over two…

Bengali Hindu dies

Another Bengali Hindu dies in an Assam Detention Camp 70 year old used to sell snacks by the street side before being declared foreigner

70 year old Amrit Das became the latest example of what some people in Assam are beginning to call a 3D death. He was first pronounced a D-Voter. Then a Foreigners’ Tribunal ruled that he was a Declared Foreigner and finally he died in a Detention Camp. This is the 43rd such death in the state.   A resident…

Yet another Mysterious Death in Assam Detention Camp Declared Foreigner Jobbar Ali found dead in Tezpur Detention Camp

Jobbar Ali, a 61 year old man who had been languishing behind bars at the Detention Camp in Tezpur, was found dead on October 5. Now, his family, many of whom are themselves fighting allegations of being doubtful or D-Voters, suspect foul play in his death.   Ali lived with his wife Simon Nessa, two…

चाय वाले की माँ असम में 'विदेशी' घोषित एक बंगाली हिन्दू अचानक डिटेनशन कैंप में मृत पाया गया

आज देश भर के अखबार अक्सर एक चाय वाले के बारे में खबरें छापते हैं. कभी कभी उसी चाय वाले की वृद्ध माँ की भी तसवीरें छपतीं हैं. असम प्रदेश अपने चाय के बागानों के लिए विश्वप्रसिद्ध है. आज चलिए आपका परिचय करवाते हैं असम के एक चाय वाले की माँ से… एक ऐसी माँ…


भला एक 8 साल का बच्चा ‘संदिग्ध वोटर’ कैसे हो सकता है ? असम की बॉर्डर पुलिस ने बालक को पूछताछ के लिए बुलाया!

मोनुवर हुसैन, एक 8 साल का मेधावी छात्र है जो अभी दूसरी कक्षा में है और पढ़ना-लिखना, गिनती करना, यहाँ तक की सरल जोड़ना घटाना भी जानता है. मगर ऐसा प्रतीत हो रहा है कि असम का राज्य तंत्र मोनुवर को ‘विभाजन’ सिखाने में तुला हुआ है. जुलाई 2018 में मोनुवर का नाम डी-वोटर यानी…

8 year old boy served Doubtful Voter notice in Assam Incompetent system or deliberate attempt at othering and exclusion?

8 year old Monuwar Hussain is a bright second standard student. He has learnt to read, write, count and can even do basic addition and subtraction. But it appears that Assam’s state machinery wants to put him on a fast track to master ‘division’. In July 2018, Monuwar found himself on a list of doubtful…

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