Over the countrywide lockdown, CJP has reach out to 37000 people in 50 locations around Mumbai alone. Partnering with diverse organisations, we’ve had the opportunity to make enduring connections and extend our humanitarian network. Related: CJP against Hunger: Rations and essentials provided to migrant workers CJP against Hunger: Almost 1,500 families served in one day! CJP…
On the day of Eid, at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, CJP team Assam ventured out to deliver new clothes and food, to over 200 impoverished families in Assam. Four of these families’ members were recently released from Assam’s detentions camps by CJP’s efforts. CJP also joined hands with Bijni Prayas-Oikyatan to deliver…
CJP has been relentlessly providing relief to thousands of marginalised families, who are facing an acute food crisis, amid lockdown. We have been working nonstop for the past 55 days and ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry. Here’s a video illustrating our relief work in and around Mumbai. Related: CJP against Hunger: Rations…
Ever since the nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus began migrant workers have perhaps been the worst hit. As most of them work as daily wage earners in fields like construction, loading and unloading of goods or running deliveries, they lost their source of income overnight. With little or no savings, the…
When the national lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus started, it had a disproportionately harder impact on people hailing from socio-economically backward communities. People belonging to historically oppressed and marginalized communities, castes and tribes were some of the worst affected. One such group comprised members of the Nathpanthi Dawari Gosavi Samaj who were…
Ever since the lockdown began, CJP and our dedicated team have been working day and night to ensure that countless families, that are facing an acute food crisis, are getting food and essential supplies. Whether its our migrant workers, women led households, sex workers, transgenders or senior citizens, we have managed to provide relief to…
CJP Assam is going that extra mile, and then some, to reach the remotest areas of Assam, dwellers of the tribal region, the migrant workers and some of the most marginalised sections of the society. As they face an acute food crisis, we want to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry. Support us…
ভারতে কোভিড-১৯ সংকট চলাকালীন সমগ্র দেশজুড়ে অনেকেই অত্যাবশ্যকীয় জিনিসপত্র থেকে বঞ্চিত হয়েছে। চিকিৎসা- ত্রাণসামগ্রী এবং পুনর্বাসনের কাজ চলছে,এখন প্রয়োজন স্বেচ্ছাসেবকের যারা সমাজের প্রান্তিক শ্রেণি বা সাধারণ জনগণের কাছে এই মহামারী সম্পর্কে সচেতনতা ছড়িয়ে দিতে পারে এবং প্রয়োজনীয় সামগ্রী গুলো পৌঁছে দিতে পারে। আপনি যদি এমন কেউ হন যে ব্যক্তি সক্ষমতা বা কোনও সংস্থার সাথে স্বেচ্ছায়…
CJP’s campaign in Assam has taken a new colour given the prevailing lockdown situation in the entire country. Labourers, daily wage earners, sex workers, people from low in come families in containment zones and migrant workers are few sections of the society which have benefitted from the relentless efforts of the CJP team in Mumbai…
CJP is providing essential supplies and ration for 250 construction workers at Gorai in Mumbai. The migrant workers are native to the Marathwada region in Maharashtra. With the country-wide lockdown, they have to deal with acute shortage of basic resources on a daily basis. Battling state-wide transport lockdown, CJP team continues to reach out to…