
Citizens for Justice and Peace


2010: United Nation’s Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

In the wake of continous reports of the large number of cases of sexual offences committed during the communal carnage of 2002, CEDAW asked the Government of India to submit a follow-up report “On the impact of massacre on women in Gujarat” by January 2008. CEDAW has also asked the government provide information disaggregated by…

2007: “India: Five years on – the bitter and uphill struggle for Justice in Gujarat” Report by Amnesty International

In its report titled “India: Five years on – the bitter and uphill struggle for Justice in Gujarat” Amnesty International has made some pertinent observations: The direct victims of that violence and their relatives continue to face serious challenges and obstacles in securing justice. The plight of those internally displaced from their homes as a…

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