
Citizens for Justice and Peace

British Columbia

Celebrating Spring with Canada’s Vibrant and Inspiring Sikh Community From the Secretary's Desk

It was a Punjabi Desi takeover of Surrey, the Baisakhi parade on Sunday April 22 as Avenues of the Sister (neighbourhood) to Vancouver in British Columbia (BC) province of Canada ‘celebrated’ the harvest festival. Back home Baisakhi parades dot Punjab’s landscape as the traditional langar dishes out delicious food to all who walk in and by and…

Visiting Indian human rights activist Teesta Setalvad meets British Columbia Premier John Horgan The Georgia Straight

B.C.’s premier has been apprised of the deteriorating human-rights situation in India by a harsh critic of the country’s prime minister, Narendra Modi. Mumbai-born author and human rights activist Teesta Setalvad met John Horgan at his office in the B.C. legislature on April 18 on a trip to Canada. Setalvad has been spearheading a campaign…

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