
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Bengali Hindus

Flood victims served FT notices in Assam! Citizenship in question even as they live on the street after the river washed away their home

In yet another example of the regime’s callous apathy, notices are being served by Foreigners’ Tribunals (FT) to flood-affected people in Assam to prove their citizenship. Our on-ground teams have found that such notices have been served in Jaraguri and Jamdoha village, which fall under Manikpur police station in Bongaigaon district. “I’ve been working as…

Poverty haunts family of Subrata Dey Detention Camp victim's son forced to give up education, mother and widow make cloth bags to survive!

On May 26, 2018, Subrata Dey, a Bengali Hindu, was found dead under mysterious circumstances in the Goalpara detention camp. Dey was the only earning member, and his family at the time depended on his income from his modest tea shop. Now, a year later, his son has been forced to drop out of school,…

Peoples Tribunal

People’s Tribunal: NRC and its Constitutional Process and Human Cost Eminent Jury Members on the humanitarian crisis of Assam

A two day tribunal titled Contested Citizenship in Assam: People’s Tribunal on Constitutional Processes and Human Cost was held in New Delhi on September 7 and 8, 2019 to examine the scope and scale of the citizenship crisis in Assam in wake of over 19 lakh people being left out of the final National Register…

CJP condemns attempts to stifle Democratic Voices in Assam Sedition charges against Dr. Hiren Gohain are ridiculous!

As protests erupt all across India’s North East over the Citizenship Amendment Bill, an attempt is being made to stifle democratic voices like that of eminent intellectual Dr Hiren Gohain. As one of Assam’s tallest intellectuals who represents the pulse of the state, it is rather ridiculous to accuse him for sedition. Citizens for Justice…

BREAKING: Dr. Hiren Gohain reacts to Sedition case against him Assamese intellectual had opposed Citizenship Amendment Bill

Reacting to the sedition charges against him, Dr Hiren Gohain makes it clear that whatever he has being saying against the citizenship amendment bill , has been in favor of secularism and hence in favor of a democratic India. In fact, it seems that the sedition case against him is just a pressure tactic by…

I condemn the Citizenship Amendment Bill: Dr Hiren Gohain Assamese intellectual opposes religious discrimination at the heart of the bill

The central government’s move to grant citizenship to non-Muslims from India’s neighbouring countries has faced enormous opposition in the North East. According to several of those who oppose the bill, it is in direct contravention of the Assam Accord. Here, Assam’s tallest intellectual Dr Hiren Gohain speaks out for secularism and against the Citizenship Amendment…

NRC Claims and Objections process

UN raises questions about NRC Claims and Objections process Highlights suffering of economically backward minorities, women and children

In a recent letter to the Indian Government, the United Nations Special Rapporteurs have once again raised concerns about people left out of the final draft of the National Register of Citizens (NRC), especially with respect to the haphazard and arbitrary process of filing Claims and Objections. The letter written by the Working Group on Arbitrary…

Five Shot Dead at Tinsukia, Assam Hate Speech Precedes Targeted Killings

Five persons, reportedly belonging to the Dalit Bengali Hindu section of the population, were killed in a brute action of open firing at the Kherbari Village that falls under the Dhola Police Station of the Tinisukia District of Assam. It has been so far been widely reported that the ULFA (independent) cadre of five-six persons…

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