এই বিশেষ ভিডিওতে বাংলার গঙ্গাধর প্রামাণিকের মর্মস্পর্শী কাহিনী দেখুন, যিনি আসামে একজন বিদেশি হিসেবে চিহ্নিত হয়েছিলেন এবং বাড়ি থেকে হাজার কিলোমিটার দূরে অসহায় ও একা গোয়ালপাড়া ডিটেনশন ক্যাম্পে তিন বছরেরও বেশি সময় কাটিয়েছিলেন। CJP এখন তাকে তার পরিবারের সাথে পুনর্মিলিত করেছে। আসামের ডিটেনশন ক্যাম্পে ভুগছেন, গঙ্গাধরের মতো আরও অসহায় নাগরিকেরা। তাঁদের কাছে পৌঁছাতে আমাদের সাহায্য…
The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is the result of the non stop process of the last decade. Though it has some errors, it’s not completely wrong. Therefore, the Assam Public Works (APW) main petitioner, who filed petition regarding the updation of NRC has urged to accept the NRC which has been published under the…
The humanitarian crisis brewing in Assam is all set to spill over across India. With a nationwide National Register of Citizens (NRC), an authoritarian regime threatens to split an already divided country one last time along the lines of citizenship. Recognising the ramifications of this impending catastrophe, Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) and People’s Union of…
“That side of the road is Bangladesh, this side is India. We don’t go there and they don’t come here,” says Jamaal Hassan (43), sounding panicky. “The police should go after them, not us. We are Indians, it’s our birthright to live and work here.” Hassan is one of the 5,000 Bengali-speaking Muslim labourers…
On May 26, 2018, Subrata Dey, a Bengali Hindu, was found dead under mysterious circumstances in the Goalpara detention camp. Dey was the only earning member, and his family at the time depended on his income from his modest tea shop. Now, a year later, his son has been forced to drop out of school,…
The entire debate around outsiders and foreigners has been based on the long held belief that Bangladeshi infiltrators are threatening the demography and culture of Assam. But now as per a community wise break-up of the over 19 lakh people excluded from the final National Register of Citizens (NRC), nearly a third of the people…
Abdul Kadir is the Imam of the mosque in his village. He is a much loved and highly respectable member of his community. People look up to him for his wisdom and good counsel. However, now both, he and his wife Hamida Khatoon have been declared foreigners by a Foreigner’s Tribunal. Moreover, all his children…
Seven years ago, Ainal Haq’s wife was declared a ‘foreigner’ and sent to a detention camp. Then, without her family members being informed, she was allegedly deported to Bangladesh. He hasn’t heard from her in seven years! Haq has documents to prove that she was in fact an Indian. This is how families are being…
To dub the process of collating the final draft of the National Registrar of Citizens (NRC), released on July 30, as bizarre, haphazard, or just plain bureaucratic and insensate is simply not enough. The very fact that 4 million plus of residents of the state did not make the list is surely indication enough of…
CJP’s fact finding team in Assam has found chilling stories from Assam that point to a looming humanitarian crisis. For five long years Saken Ali found himself incarcerated in a detention camp due to a minor variation in his name in official records. In a truly Kafkaesque twist to the tale, now his family members…