
Citizens for Justice and Peace


कठुआ के बकरवाल समुदाय के उत्थान हेतु वन अधिकार कानून आवश्यक : तालिब हुसैन विशेष संवाद में युवा वकील-कार्यकर्ता ने हमें बताए कमजोर खानाबदोश समुदाय को सशक्त बनाने के उपाय

क्या जम्मू के जंगलों से बकरवाल समुदाय को जानबूझकर अलग रखना अंतर्निहित कारकों में से एक हो सकता है, जो कठुआ में एक नन्ही बच्ची के क्रूर बलात्कार और हत्या का कारण बन गया? तेजतर्रार वकील और कार्यकर्ता तालिब हुसैन, जो बच्ची के लिए न्याय के संघर्ष में सबसे आगे हैं, वन्य अधिकार अधिनियम, 2006…

Is a Police Press Release countering Fake News, India’s ‘New Normal’? J&K Police communique on Kathua rape and murder case demolishes all conspiracy theories

While it is not uncommon for the police to issue press releases, one such communication from the Jammu and Kashmir Police came as a shocking reiteration of the reality of our times. The press release that shot down a variety of ‘conspiracy theories’ floating around in the aftermath of the gruesome rape and murder or…

सोशल मीडिया पर फैला मुसलमानों और रोहिंग्याओं के ख़िलाफ़ नफ़रत का ज़हर उकसाने वाले पोस्ट और उत्तेजक ट्वीट्स का उपयोग करके अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय के खिलाफ नफरत भड़काने का कपटी प्रयास

गड़े मुर्दे उखाड़ना और झूठी ख़बरों का प्रसार प्रचार करना आज के दौर में इतना ज़रूरी हो गया है कि जब भी अल्पसंख्यकों के बारे में कोई भी खबर आती है तो साथ में आती है एक ‘कांस्पीरेसी थ्योरी’ या एक षड्यंत्र का मत, जिसके ज़रिये निराधार समानांतर सिद्ध करने की कोशिश की जाती है.…

EXCLUSIVE! Implement Forest Rights Act to Protect Bakarwals of Kathua: Talib Hussain The young lawyer-activist tells us what is required to empower the vulnerable nomadic community

Could the deliberate alienation of Bakarwals from Jammu’s forest lands be one of the underlying factors that led to the brutal rape and murder of a little girl in Kathua? Talib Hussain, the firebrand lawyer and activist, who has been at the forefront for the struggle for Justice for the little girl, talks to us about…

How two lawyers are bringing hope for the Bakarwal community seeking justice in the Kathua Rape Case Deepika Singh Rajawat and Talib Hussain have prevailed and persisted despite threats

It’s hard to find hope when everything around is moving into a dark abyss of misdeeds, hatred and sectarianism. When children yet to blossom into beautiful adults are sacrificed at the altars of nationalism, hatred, communalism. When a life is cut short way ahead of time and when those defending the child are also thirsty…

Shame on us Blog by Vidya Bhushan Rawat on Kathua Rape Case and the campaigns in support of the accused

Chilling details have emerged of the abduction, rape and murder of the tribal girl in Jammu by the goons affiliated to right wing Hindu organisations. More chilling is the fact that Jammu remained closed in support of those who were accused of the heinous and gruesome crime. The lawyers and advocates of the courts who…

Kathua Rape case

How the Crime Branch under SSP Jalla resisted political pressure to get justice in the Kathua Rape Case Dedicated cops conducted a fair and thorough investigation despite all odds

Following the brutal rape and murder of a little girl in Kathua in January, a dedicated team led by SSP Jalla of the Crime Branch overcame mounting political pressure to ensure justice prevailed. This is the story of their struggle, persistence, professionalism and humility. Though the Kathua rape case took place in January, and a…

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