Point Under Discussion: The discussion centers on the citizenship status of the brothers, sisters and other family relatives of Declared Foreigners and their consequent inclusion in the NRC list. Conclusion: According to the existent statutory provisions, namely the Foreigners’ Act, 1946, read with the Foreigners’ (Tribunal) Order, 1964, the Superintendent of Police has to make…
In yet another example of the heartlessness with which the system operates in Assam, the father of a new born baby has been unable to even hold his son, because he is locked up in a detention camp. This man Abul Hayet was declared a ‘foreigner’ because Election Commission officials recorded his grandfather Saman Malik’s…
We in Assam feel acutely that some stakeholders in the dispute are getting looked at from the wrong end of the telescope. They are being reviled as brutal chauvinists and what not. Some might fit that description, not everybody. Does anybody care that people here who are indigenes also have a serious problem with the…
असम में राष्ट्रीय नागरिक रजिस्टर (NRC) का अंतिम मसौदा 30 जुलाई 2018 को जारी किया गया था. 40 लाख लोग ऐसे हैं जिन्हें इस अंतिम सूची में जगह नहीं मिल पाई. गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने कहा है कि 30 जुलाई को प्रकाशित नामों की ये सूची केवल एक मसौदा है, ये अंतिम निर्णय नहीं है. असम के…
The ridiculous exclusions from the National Register of Citizens (NRC) continue to baffle people of Assam! After the families of a former Indian President and a former Deputy Speaker of the Assam Assembly were left out of the final draft published on July 30, 2018, now the family of a freedom fighter Puran Bahadur Chetry…
Despite intense media brouhaha about several members of the family of Moulavi Muhammad Amiruddin, the first Deputy Speaker of the Assam Legislative Assembly, being served notice to prove their citizenship, a Foreigners’ Tribunal in Assam has now declared his grand nephew Rafikul Islam a ‘foreigner’. The order was passed on July 30, 2018… the same day…
In 2014 the Supreme Court ordered an update of the National Register of Citizens under it’s watch. The NRC enjoyed widespread support and many Assamese looked at it as a free and fair process. But as months passed the process started getting more and more complicated as it began getting entwined with other parallel running…
To dub the process of collating the final draft of the National Registrar of Citizens (NRC), released on July 30, as bizarre, haphazard, or just plain bureaucratic and insensate is simply not enough. The very fact that 4 million plus of residents of the state did not make the list is surely indication enough of…
मोनुवर हुसैन, एक 8 साल का मेधावी छात्र है जो अभी दूसरी कक्षा में है और पढ़ना-लिखना, गिनती करना, यहाँ तक की सरल जोड़ना घटाना भी जानता है. मगर ऐसा प्रतीत हो रहा है कि असम का राज्य तंत्र मोनुवर को ‘विभाजन’ सिखाने में तुला हुआ है. जुलाई 2018 में मोनुवर का नाम डी-वोटर यानी…
Members of India’s fifth President FA Ahmed have been left out of the National Register of Citizens (NRC). Now questions are being raised about the insensate practices followed by the NRC authorities during the update process that failed to consider natural calamities like floods that affect Legacy Documents of thousands. The unprofessional and tardy actions of…