CJP’s team in Assam launched a toll-free number in October 2018 to help those who have been excluded from the final draft of Assam’s National Register of Citizens (NRC) file claims and objections. Here is a list of some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the process:
CJP’s efforts in Assam are ongoing, with our committed volunteers helping people across the state with the process for filing claims and objections for the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which has disrupted the lives of millions, leaving their fate as Indian citizens in limbo. Within a month of our toll-free helpline being launched, we…
Five persons, reportedly belonging to the Dalit Bengali Hindu section of the population, were killed in a brute action of open firing at the Kherbari Village that falls under the Dhola Police Station of the Tinisukia District of Assam. It has been so far been widely reported that the ULFA (independent) cadre of five-six persons…
Providing relief to lakhs of Assamese, the Supreme Court today allowed the inclusion of all fifteen documents for the ongoing claims process of the National Register of Citizens (NRC). The verdict deals a blow to NRC state coordinator Shri Prateek Hajela’s contention that five specific documents be dropped from the list of documents required to…
The affidavit submitted by NRC state Co-ordinator, Prateek Hajela in the Supreme Court of India, strongly opposing five crucial documents to be allowed in the ‘Claims’ process, apart from going back on NRC’s own established procedures, also contains hypothetical and unsubstantiated theories. In Part One of our analyses we have laid down how this sudden about…
If those among the 40 lakh plus persons whose names have been dropped from the final draft of NRC, are not permitted by an ill-advised and belated order of the Supreme Court, to reject the NRC-1951 and Voters list (up to the midnight March 24, 1971 as sufficient proof of citizenship) the core issue that…
After being falsely accused of being a ‘foreigner’, Deepak Debnath of Udalgiri district, Assam committed suicide by hanging himself in a grove near his house. Watch this video to know more.
Within a month of launching our TOLL FREE Helpline Number in Assam, we are receiving words of encouragement from the Assam press that has also helped popularise the number among their readers, allowing us to reach the maximum number of people. Today our phones are ringing off the hook! Our number was shared by The…
खारुपेटिआ गांव के जानेमाने बुद्धिजीवी, अध्यापक और वकील निरोद बरन दास ने आत्महत्या कर ली है. ऐसा माना जा रहा है की NRC के कारण नागरिकता छिन जाने के डर ने अब तक 28 लोगों की जान ली है. निरोद बरन दास २९वे शिकार हुए है. NRC प्रकरण में हो रही कुछ गलतिओं की वजह…
In this live video chat held on Facebook recently, CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad and CJP’s Assam initiative coordinator Zamser Ali discuss the various initiatives on ground as well as the challenges faced in our outreach program. If you are an Indian citizen in Assam and need any help in filing your application as a part…