
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Assam Suicide

Watch: Citizenship crisis claims 107th life in Assam CJP visited the victim's house to reach out to his family

Barpeta’s Musa Mondal became the 107th casualty of the citizenship crisis in Assam when he hanged himself on October 12, 2020, upon being declared foreigner by the Foreigners’ Tribunals. CJP Visited his house in Kayastha Para and learned that 42 more people have been marked D-Voter in his village. As the Citizenship Crisis in Assam…

Citizenship crisis death toll touches 107 in Assam! Barpeta's Musa Mondal allegedly died by suicide after being declared foreigner

Musa Mondal became the 107th casualty of the citizenship crisis in Assam when he allegedly hanged himself on October 12, 2020, upon being declared foreigner. Modal hailed from Kayastha Para village that falls under the jurisdiction of the Sorbhog police station in Barpeta district.  In 2018, Musa, son of Voyage Mondal received a foreigner’s notice…

Watch: Inside detention camp for 3 years; CJP intervenes CJP is committed to help genuine Indian citizens facing the citizenship crisis

Lalit Thakur, a barber by profession, has been jailed in the Goalpara detention camp of Assam, since October 2016. His identity documents were burnt in the ethnic- communal clashes between indigenous Bodos and Bengali speaking people of Assam in 2012. He went on to live in a relief camp with his family after the clashes.…

NRC Anxiety Allegedly Leads To One More Suicide in Assam

NRC anxiety allegedly leads to one more suicide in Assam Fayjal Hoque from Barpeta becomes latest victim of institutional murder by a heartless State

In yet another instance of what are being dubbed institutional murders, 42 year old Fayjal Hoque allegedly took his life, unable to cope with anxiety and anguish related to the National Register of Citizens. Hoque was an urban labourer and was found dead at his home in Kodomtola in Barpeta district. He had allegedly committed…

असम में मानवीय त्रासदी के खिलाफ CJP का अभियान भारतीय नागरिकों की मदद के लिए उतरी CJP टीम

असम में NRC की ड्राफ्ट लिस्ट प्रकाशित होने से पहले से ही सिटिजन फॉर जस्टिस एंड पीस, यानी CJP को समझ आ गया था कि राज्य में किस पैमाने की मुसीबत आएगी. तब से लेकर अब तक असम में CJP ने कई पहलकदमियां कीं. आइए उन पर एक नजर डालते हैं. दिसंबर 2017 में असम…

अगर NRC में मेरा नाम नहीं आता तो मैं आत्महत्या कर लेता : हसन अली CJP की मदद से फाइनल NRC लिस्ट में जगह बनाने में हुए कामयाब

मार्च 2019 में असम के हांस छाड़ा गांव में रहने वाले हसन अली ने खुदकुशी की कोशिश की थी. वजह क्या थी? दरअसल, हसन का नाम NRC के फाइनल ड्राफ्ट में नहीं था. हसन अली को उनके दोस्तों को बचा लिया. उन्होंने उस रस्सी को काट दिया, जिससे उन्होंने फंदा लगाने की कोशिश की थी.…

Assam: Suicide fearing loss of Citizenship Assam NRC and Deaths

In the last few years, the Kafkaesque process of determining citizenship has created unprecedented stress and apprehension in millions of people in Assam. From the state election commission marking D-voter arbitrarily, to possible incarceration in Detention Camps, non transparent working of Foreigner Tribunals and political and bureaucratic meddling in the NRC process, the crisis of…

Objection raised against inclusion in NRC, man found dead in Assam Family alleges suicide

In a heartbreaking instance of man succumbing to hopelessness, Ashrab Ali, a 93 year old man, was found dead in Assam’s Kamrup district after someone filed an objection application against the inclusion of his name in the National Register of Citizens (NRC). His family alleges he committed suicide by consuming poison.   “His name was…

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