In a heartbreaking instance of man succumbing to hopelessness, Ashrab Ali, a 93 year old man, was found dead in Assam’s Kamrup district after someone filed an objection application against the inclusion of his name in the National Register of Citizens (NRC). His family alleges he committed suicide by consuming poison. “His name was…
Har Kumar Goswami is a prominent electrical engineer, innovator and small industrialist of Assam. He is best known for the many unique electrical appliances he designs and manufactures in his own lab as these products have several special features and yet are quite affordable. But these days Goswami is unable to give time to his unique…
In a huge relief for inmates of Assam’s infamous detention camps, the Supreme Court has directed that those who have spent more than three years in captivity be set free subject to certain conditions. This was during the course of hearing a petition on the state of detention camps in Assam. The SC has laid…
In several shocking instances of the abuse and subversion of the NRC process in Assam, it has come to light that people have been forced to file Objection applications against others whose names have appeared in the NRC. We have copies of complaints filed by some such people from Kokrajhar district of Assam, who claim that…
CJP in Assam: we have been working relentlessly, from sending a fact finding team to putting together a team of Volunteer Motivators who have traveled the length and breath of Assam helping lakhs of people fill out claims forms and help them understand the NRC process. CJP is now prepared to step in and provide…
In an exclusive interview with Rashminara Begum, we find out how this young mother was dragged away to a detention camp even though she was pregnant with one child and breastfeeding another. She also shares intricate details of her case, the inhumane conditions that she faced in the detention camp and the extreme hardships that…
Prof. Abdul Mannan takes us through the genesis and evolution of the insider vs outsider divide in Assam. He also explains how the animosity that for born out of a fear of change in the ethnic demography of the region gradually also ended up taking a communal hue. Also Read: Plight of Women…
In Mumbai for a public hearing organised by Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) on Monday, Rashminara told The Indian Express that she has never cast a vote. Assam is set to vote in three phases starting April 11, but Rashminara Begum’s right to vote continues to be a subject of a legal battle in…
On March 1, 2019, close to 300 people were called to the Divisional Forest Office (DFO) in Biswanath District for hearing regarding their Claims applications for inclusion into the National Register of Citizens. However, when no official turned up to conduct the hearing, CJP stepped in and wrote to the NRC State Coordinator. Following this…