Subrata Dey was found dead under mysterious circumstances in Goalpara detention camp leaving behind his wife Karuna, teenaged son Biki, young daughter Sucheta and mother Anima Dey. His family was dependent on the income from his modest tea shop but now they are living hand to mouth with whatever they could earn by making and…
Hasan Ali is a suicide survivor who CJP had counselled and assisted during the application process and has now been included in the final NRC. CJP is humbled to be a part of Hasan’s journey and genuinely happy for him. Hasan is coming to Mumbai on 11th October 2019. To meet him and listen to…
On May 26, 2018, Subrata Dey, a Bengali Hindu, was found dead under mysterious circumstances in the Goalpara detention camp. Dey was the only earning member, and his family at the time depended on his income from his modest tea shop. Now, a year later, his son has been forced to drop out of school,…
After having shared his experiences as a victim and as a volunteer who helped people in his village and other districts navigate the NRC process, Ashraful Hussain read out a touching poem he was inspired to write on the plight of the disenfranchised souls he met. Related: Final NRC published in Assam CJP in Assam:…
Day and night, battling all odds, CJP’s Assam team assists, counsels and trains those who have been left out of the final NRC. Help Us Help Assam. #CJPWednesdays Related: Final NRC published in Assam CJP in Assam: The evolution of our campaign to avert a humanitarian crisis What next for those left out of the…
A two day tribunal titled Contested Citizenship in Assam: People’s Tribunal on Constitutional Processes and Human Cost was held in New Delhi on September 7 and 8, 2019 to examine the scope and scale of the citizenship crisis in Assam in wake of over 19 lakh people being left out of the final National Register…
असम में NRC की ड्राफ्ट लिस्ट प्रकाशित होने से पहले से ही सिटिजन फॉर जस्टिस एंड पीस, यानी CJP को समझ आ गया था कि राज्य में किस पैमाने की मुसीबत आएगी. तब से लेकर अब तक असम में CJP ने कई पहलकदमियां कीं. आइए उन पर एक नजर डालते हैं. दिसंबर 2017 में असम…
The entire debate around outsiders and foreigners has been based on the long held belief that Bangladeshi infiltrators are threatening the demography and culture of Assam. But now as per a community wise break-up of the over 19 lakh people excluded from the final National Register of Citizens (NRC), nearly a third of the people…
A two day tribunal titled ‘Contested Citizenship in Assam: People’s Tribunal on Constitutional Processes and Human Cost’ to examine the scale and scope of the citizenship crisis in Assam. The jury members included Justice (Rt) Madan Lokur, Justice (Rt) Kurien Joseph, Justice (Rt) AP Shah, Ambassador Deb Mukharji, Ms. Githa Hariharan, Dr. Syeda Hameed, Prof.…
A two day tribunal titled Contested Citizenship in Assam: People’s Tribunal on Constitutional Processes and Human Cost was held in New Delhi on September 7 and 8, 2019 to examine the scope and scale of the citizenship crisis in Assam in wake of over 19 lakh people being left out of the final National Register…