
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Assam Bangladeshi

Runaway youth declared ‘foreigner’ in Assam Found four years later in a detention camp!

A few years ago, when he was just a teenager, Amit, son of Arabinda Basu, fell into some bad company and took to alcohol. This enraged his father and one day when Arabainda caught Amit red-handed, the father beat up the son. This caused Amit to run away from home. It was only recently discovered…

Poverty haunts family of Subrata Dey Detention Camp victim's son forced to give up education, mother and widow make cloth bags to survive!

On May 26, 2018, Subrata Dey, a Bengali Hindu, was found dead under mysterious circumstances in the Goalpara detention camp. Dey was the only earning member, and his family at the time depended on his income from his modest tea shop. Now, a year later, his son has been forced to drop out of school,…

Peoples Tribunal

People’s Tribunal: NRC and its Constitutional Process and Human Cost Eminent Jury Members on the humanitarian crisis of Assam

A two day tribunal titled Contested Citizenship in Assam: People’s Tribunal on Constitutional Processes and Human Cost was held in New Delhi on September 7 and 8, 2019 to examine the scope and scale of the citizenship crisis in Assam in wake of over 19 lakh people being left out of the final National Register…

I live on the streets and sleep under the stars: Anjaan Musafir 2.0 Another Assam man on the run after being declared ‘foreigner’

Last year, we brought you the story of Anjaan Musafir, a daily wage labourer from Guwahati who has been on the run for over 20 years after being served a D Voter notice. During our visit to Assam in June 2019, we met yet another man who fled his home fearing incarceration in one of Assam’s infamous…

Citizenship Dilemma in Assam

Citizenship Dilemma in Assam Why Section 9 of the Foreigners Act, 1946, should be revisited

Despite the passage of seven decades since the independence of the country, the debate on citizenship is far from over. The recent engagement with the construction of the National Register of Citizens(NRC) in the state of Assam, has again opened the flood gates of contestation on the citizenship question. Cardinal to this debate is the…

Yet another Mysterious Death in Assam Detention Camp Declared Foreigner Jobbar Ali found dead in Tezpur Detention Camp

Jobbar Ali, a 61 year old man who had been languishing behind bars at the Detention Camp in Tezpur, was found dead on October 5. Now, his family, many of whom are themselves fighting allegations of being doubtful or D-Voters, suspect foul play in his death.   Ali lived with his wife Simon Nessa, two…

NRC is the way to solve the migration issue democratically: Akhil Gogoi The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series

Firebrand leader Akhil Gogoi speaks to CJP on the issue of NRC in Assam. He says that the NRC is the most democratic way to solve the issue democratically. But the BJP and the RSS are trying to dilute the National Register of Citizens by introducing the citizenship amendment bill.   Also Read: NRC से…

Abdul Kadir Assam

Assam Village Imam declared ‘foreigner’ suspects Conspiracy to drive out Muslims The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series

Abdul Kadir is the Imam of the mosque in his village. He is a much loved and highly respectable member of his community. People look up to him for his wisdom and good counsel. However, now both, he and his wife Hamida Khatoon have been declared foreigners by a Foreigner’s Tribunal. Moreover, all his children…

India’s fifth President FA Ahmed

NRC से गायब हुआ पूर्व राष्ट्रपति के परिजनों का नाम! NRC और चुनाव आयोग अधिकारीयों की गलतियों का खामियाज़ा भर रहे हैं निर्दोष लोग

भारत के पांचवें राष्ट्रपति फखरुद्दीन अली अहमद के परिवार वालों का नाम NRC में नहीं है! अब सवाल ये उठता है कि NRC अधिकारियों ने सूची के अद्यतन में उस इलाके में आई बाढ़ जैसी प्राकृतिक आपदा को ध्यान में रखा या नहीं, क्योंकि कई लोगों ने अपने महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज़ बाढ़ के चलते खो दिए, जिसके बाद उन्हें NRC के में अपनी…

Bengali Hindu labeled Bangladeshi

Assamese groups ask for Error-free and Transparent NRC Left Democrartic Manch and FACAAB make unanimous demand

The Left-Democratic Mancha, Assam—a common platform of 11 Political Parties—and the Forum Against Citizenship Act Amendment Bill (FACAAB), a forum of informed citizens, have voiced a unanimous demand for an error free NRC. In a joint memorandum presented to the State Co-ordinator, NRC the two organisations have expressed their anguish with regard to the on-going process…

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