India’s indigenous peoples, most commonly called ‘Adivasis’, which means ‘original inhabitants’, are under attack in various areas of the country. With the rising looting and exploitation and mounting corporate greed and the thirst for mineral-rich land, India’s Adivasis are increasingly being displaced from the very lands they helped cultivate and fertilised for generations. Not only…
Over the past 15 years, India’s jails have seen a rise in women inmates by 61 per cent, even though they constitute only 48.18% of the national population (according to the World Bank, 2017). Moreover, the Indian prison system has failed to respect their rights. From custodial torture, rape, denial of health services, lack of clean food and…
Roma of the All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) received a reply from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on September 20, 2018 regarding a complaint jointly filed by CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad and herself on May 30, 2018. The complaint was filed in the aftermath of incidents of police brutality and harassment…
आदिवासी मानवाधिकार रक्षकों सुकालो और किस्मतिया गोंड के लिए चलाए गए रिहाई अभियान में CJP और ऑल इंडिया यूनियन ऑफ फ़ॉरेस्ट वर्किंग पीपल (AIUFWP) को महत्वपूर्ण सफलता हासिल हुई है. अलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायलय ने दोनों महिलाओं को न्यायिक सहायता हेतु अपील की इजाज़त प्रदान की है. हमारे द्वारा दायर की गई हबियास कॉर्पस पेटिशन (बन्दी प्रत्यक्षीकरण याचिका) के चलते एआईयूएफडब्ल्यूपी की कोषाध्यक्ष सुकालो और…
In a significant breakthrough in CJP and All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP)’s campaign to release Adivasi Human Rights Defenders Sukalo and Kismatiya Gond, the Allahabad High Court has allowed both women to seek ‘judicial remedy’. AIUFWP Treasurer Sukalo and Forest Rights Committee (FRC) Secretary Kismatiya Gond, were produced before the court on September 7 due to a Habeas Corpus…
Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh (UP) MLA, Sanjay Garg has made a submission to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh (UP), Yogi Adityanath on behalf of the Adivasis in Sonbhadra region, highlighting the constant persecution of Adivasis, the false and illegal arrests of All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) leaders Sukalo, Kismatiya Gond and others…
Allahabad HC has today directed the SP Sonbhadra to produce Adivasi Human Rights Defenders, Sukalo and Kismatiya Gond in Court on September 7. The order was issued in the Habeas Corpus petition filed by CJP and the All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) on June 29. The illegal detention dates to June 8. Sharing…
A campaign by CJP and All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) for the release of dynamic forest rights movement leaders Sukalo Gond and Kismatiya Gond is gaining momentum every day. Now, Congress President Rahul Gandhi has tweeted expressing concern over their illegal arrest by Uttar Pradesh (UP) government and has appealed to Congress leaders and…
छत्तीसगढ़ की हर आदिवासी लड़की शायद इसी डर में जीती है कि एक दिन कुछ पुलिस वाले आएंगे, उसके साथ बलात्कार करेंगे, फिर उसे गोली मार देंगे और कागज़ में लिख देंगे कि ये नक्सली थी और मुठभेड़ में मारी गई. 5 जुलाई 2011 और 6 जुलाई 2011 की दरमियानी रात छत्तीसगढ़ के बलरामपुर ज़िले में करचा…
As human rights defenders Sukalo and Kismatiya still remain ‘untraceable’, the UP police are claiming that Kismatiya’s real identity is that of one Manju, who has been named in the FIR filed by the police. The All India Union of Forest Working Peoples (AIUFWP) has refuted such claims and said that this is one more devious manoeuver…