It was a windy day with fragmented, asymmetrical clouds spread across the sky. Yellow mustard plants swayed with the force of the wind, as did the wheat crops. We visited Lilasi village, a site of bitter conflict, even bloodshed, between state forces, the forest department and the forest dwelling community (Gond Adivasis). It was February…
Adivasis or India’s indigenous people have faced centuries of oppression and exploitation. Today they fight a battle on many fronts. The first against a powerful nexus of industrialists, bureaucrats and the police who have made successive attempts made to usurp their forests, land and water resources. The second in institutes of higher learning against systemic exclusion…
Dear Republic, When your best citizens are killed on the streets, and piled in the jails. While the traitors adorn your high offices. Something is terribly wrong with you! When the apologists of empire become nationalists, And defense of constitution becomes act of rebellion, You suffer from acute loss of memory! Before people reach out…
In the run up to the Lok Sabha polls, Uttar Pradesh (UP) Chief Minister Adityanath has reportedly “stepped up efforts to expand his influence in the most backward communities” living in the forest protected regions of the Eastern UP. This, the CM plans to do by granting revenue status to villages which will entitle them…
वन अधिकार अधिनियम 2006 के तहत दावों को दर्ज करने वाले वन श्रमिकों और आदिवासियों के लिए हाईकोर्ट का ये आदेश एक बड़ी जीत की तरह है. अलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय ने अपने इस फैसले में न केवल वन अधिकारों को मान्यता दी है, बल्कि यह भी सुनिश्चित करने का आदेश दिया है कि दावेदारों के साथ…
उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस सोनभद्र क्षेत्र के आदिवासियों को अब भी लगातार परेशान कर रही है. किस्मतिया और सुखदेव गोंड को तीन महीनों के कारावास से रिहाई मिलने के बाद अब पुलिस ने लिलासी के एक अन्य ग्रामीण नंदू गोंड को परेशान करना शुरू कर दिया है. CJP ने पाया कि पुलिस ने उसके घर के बाहर…
आदिवासी मानवाधिकार रक्षकों सुकालो और किस्मतिया गोंड के लिए चलाए गए रिहाई अभियान में CJP और ऑल इंडिया यूनियन ऑफ फ़ॉरेस्ट वर्किंग पीपल (AIUFWP) को महत्वपूर्ण सफलता हासिल हुई है. सुकालो, सुखदेव और किस्मतिया गोंड को अवैध रूप से कई महीनों तक बंदी बना कर रखे जाने के बाद अब ज़मानत मिल गयी है. सुखदेव और किस्मतिया को ज़मानत पर रिहा कर…
Roma of the All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) received a reply from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on September 20, 2018 regarding a complaint jointly filed by CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad and herself on May 30, 2018. The complaint was filed in the aftermath of incidents of police brutality and harassment…
Uttar Pradesh (UP) police are allegedly continuing to harass Adivasis in Sonbhadra region. Just days after Kismatiya and Sukhdev Gond were released following three grueling months in prison, the police have started harassing Nandu Gond, another Lilasi villager. CJP has learnt that the police have pasted a notice outside his house saying, “बेल करवा लो…
On the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, meet one of his greatest supporters and most devoted followers… HS Doreswamy. A veteran freedom fighter, school teacher and social activist, Doreswamy dedicated his life to the struggle for Indian Independence. In his youth, he was incarcerated by the colonial machinery for destroying imperial administrative documents and letters.…