The Gujarat HC had last year rejected Zakia Jafri’s plea challenging a lower court order upholding SIT’s clean chit to Narendra Modi and others on allegations of a ‘larger conspiracy’ behind the 2002 post-Godhra riots. The Supreme Court will on November 19 hear a plea filed by Zakia Jafri, widow of former Congress MP Ehsan…
Ehsan Jafri and 68 others were killed when a rioting mob attacked their Muslim-dominated Gulberg Society in Ahmedabad on February 28, 2002 in the aftermath of the Godhra train carnage. As investigations in cases progressed, Zakia in 2006 demanded that the police register a police case against Modi, some ministers and bureaucrats as well. The…
It was not simply the number of lives lost, though the number, perhaps 2,500, is not insignificant. The struggle of man (or woman) against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. Milan Kundera It was not simply the number of lives lost, though the number, perhaps 2,500 is not insignificant. It was…