
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Supreme Court – NHRC Order 13-11-2014

13, Nov 2014

ITEM NO.301          COURT NO.1                SECTION PIL





Writ Petition(s)(Criminal) No(s). 109/2003






STATE OF GUJARAT & ORS.                       Respondent(s)

WITH SLP(C) No. 7951/2002

(With appln.(s) for exemption from filing c/c of the impugned judgment and appln.(s) for permission to place addl. documents on record and )


W.P.(Crl.) No. 37-52/2002

(With appln.(s) for exemption from filing O.T. and appln.(s) for permission to file additional documents and appln.(s) for amendment of the petition and appln.(s) for directions and appln. (s) for permission to submit additional document(s) and appln.(s) for permission to place addl. documents on record and appln.(s)

for exemption from appointment of official translator and appln.(s) for impleadment and appln.(s) for directions and appln.(s) for c/delay in filing reply and appln.(s) for c/delay in filing rejoinder and appln.(s) for exemption from filing O.T. and appln. (s) for impleadment and appln.(s) for directions and appln.(s) for permission to file additional affidavit and appln.(s) for interim

directions and appln.(s) for permission to place addl. Documents on record and appln.(s) for permission to file additional documents and Office Report)


T.P.(Crl.) No. 194-202/2003

(With appln.(s) for stay and appln.(s) for permission to file affidavit and appln.(s) for permission to file affidavit and appln.(s) for bail and appln.(s) for directions and appln.(s) for exemption from filing O.T. and appln.(s) for exemption and appln. (s) for impleading party and appln.(s) for permission to submit additional document(s) and appln.(s) for impleading party and appln.(s) for permission to place addl. documents on record and appln.(s) for permission to place addl. documents on record and appln.(s) for stay and Office Report)


W.P.(Crl.) No. 118/2003

(With appln.(s) for directions and appln.(s) for interim relief and appln.(s) for exemption from filing O.T. and Office Report)


W.P.(Crl.) D 17953/2003

(With Office Report)


SLP(Crl) No. 4409/2003

(With appln.(s) for stay and Office Report)


W.P.(Crl.) No. 216/2003

(With Office Report)


W.P.(Crl.) No. 284/2003

(With Office Report)


T.P.(Crl.) No. 66-72/2004

(With appln.(s) for permission to file t.p. and appln.(s) for stay and appln.(s) for directions and appln.(s) for taking additional document on record and appln.(s) for permission to submit additional document(s) and appln.(s) for directions and Office Report)


T.P.(Crl.) No. 43/2004

(With appln.(s) for stay and appln.(s) for exemption from filing O.T. and Office Report)


SLP(Crl) No. 5309/2003

(With appln.(s) for c/delay in filing SLP and appln.(s) for

exemption from filing c/c of the impugned judgment and appln.(s) for exemption from filing O.T. and appln.(s) for directions and appln.(s) for exemption from appointment of official translator and Office Report)


T.P.(Crl.) No. 233-234/2004

(With appln.(s) for stay and Office Report)


Date : 13/11/2014 These petitions were called on for hearing today.







Mr.Harish Salve, Sr.Adv.(A.C.)(NP)

For Petitioner(s)    Ms. Anitha Shenoy,Adv.


For M/s. Lawyer S Knit & Co,Advs.


Ms. Aparna Bhat,Adv.

Mr.Pukhrambam Ramesh Kumar, Adv.

Ms.Tanima Kishore, Adv.


Ms. Shobha,Adv.

Ms.Jyoti Rana, Adv.

Ms.Rosy Jha, Adv.


Petitioner-in-person.     Mr. Ejaz Maqbool,Adv.

Mr. Naveen R. Nath,Adv.


For Respondent(s)    Mr.Tushar Mehta, ASG

Ms. Hemantika Wahi,Adv.

Kabir Hathi, Adv.


Mr. Sibo Sankar Mishra,Adv.(NP)


Mr. C. D. Singh,Adv.


Dr. Nafis A. Siddiqui,Adv.(NP)


Mr.K.Radhakrishnan, Sr.Adv.

Mr.Sridhar Potaraju, Adv.

Mr.M.Khairati, Adv.

Ms.Sunita Sharma, Adv.

Mr.B.V.Balram Das, Adv.

For Mr..D.S.Mahra, Adv.

For Ms. Sushma Suri,Adv.


Mr. V. N. Raghupathy,Adv.


Mr.Manish Kumar, Adv.

Mr.Chandan Kumar, Adv.

For Mr. Gopal Singh,Adv.


Mr.Rituraj Biswas, Adv.

For Mr.Gopal Singh, Adv.


Mr. V. G. Pragasam,Adv.(NP)


Mr. Naresh K. Sharma,Adv.


Mr. Gopal Prasad,Adv.

Mr.Jayesh Gaurav, Adv.


Mr. Bimal Roy Jad,Adv.(NP)


Mr.Navnit Kumar, Adv.

For M/s Corporate Law Group,Adv.


Mr. Mukesh K. Giri,Adv.


Mr. Radha Shyam Jena,Adv.(NP)


Ms.Aruna Mathur, Adv.

Mr.Yusuf Khan, Adv.

For M/s Arputham, Aruna & Co.,Advs.


Mr. Tara Chandra Sharma,Adv.(NP)


Mr. K. R. Sasiprabhu,Adv.(NP)


Ms. Liz Mathew,Adv.


Mr. Ansar Ahmad Chaudhary,Adv.(NP)


Mr. Ranjan Mukherjee,Adv.

Mr.S.C.Ghosh, Adv.


Mr.Rituraj Biswas, Adv.

For Mr. Anil Shrivastav,Adv.


Mr. Sanjay R. Hegde,Adv.(NP)


Mr. Khwairakpam Nobin Singh,Adv.(NP)


Mr.K.N.Madhusoodhanan, Adv.

For Mr. R. Sathish,Adv.


Mr. P. V. Dinesh,Adv.(NP)


Mr. Gunnam Venkateswara Rao,Adv.(NP)


Mr. Kuldip Singh,Adv.(NP)


Dr. Kailash Chand,Adv.(NP)


Mr.Suryanarayana Singh, AAG

Ms.Pragati Neekhra, Adv.


Mr.Vibhu Tiwari, Adv.

Mr.Ravi P.Mehrotra, Adv.


Mr.K.V.Jagdishvaran, Adv.

Ms.G.Indira, Adv.


Mr.Anip Sachthey, Adv.

Mr.Mohit Paul, Adv.


Ms.K.Enatoli Sema, Adv.

Mr.Amit Kumar Singh, Adv.

For Mr.Balaji Srinivasan, Adv.


Mr.Manjit Singh, AAG

Ms.Nupur Choudhary, Adv.

For Mr.Kamal Mohan Gupta, Adv.


Mr.Z.H.Isaac Haiding, Adv.

For Mr.Ashok Kr.Singh, Adv.


Ms.A.Subhashini, Adv.


UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following


CRLMP NO.18983/2014:


Shri Harish Salve, learned Amicus Curaie

has filed this petition, inter alia, seeking the following prayers :

“(a) Vacate the order of stay on pronouncement of

judgment in Cr.No.67/2002 (Meghaninagar Gulberg

Society Case) as originally directed by this

Hon’ble Court vide Order dated 06.05.2010, and as

continued vide Order dated 26.10.2010;


(b) Direct the Ld. Presiding Judge to hear

Cr.No.67/2002 (Meghaninagar Gulberg Society

Case) expeditiously and pronounce Judgment in the




  1. By an order dated 06.05.2010, this Court had,

inter alia, ordered an examination of all police records in the possession of the SIT. To facilitate the same, this Court had directed that the Trial Courts hearing the concerned matters shall not pronounce the final judgment till further orders. This Court, thereafter, lifted the restraint passed by the aforementioned order in all cases except Cr.No.67 of 2002 (Meghaninagar Gulberg Society Case), whereby the trial of the said case was permitted to proceed but the restraint on pronouncing the final judgment was continued, by order dated 26.10.2010.


  1. Insofar as prayer (a) of the present application is

concerned, we do not intend to modify our earlier stay order dated 06.05.2010, which was further continued vide our order dated 26.10.2010.


  1. Insofar as prayer (b) of the application is concerned, if this Court directs the learned Presiding Judge to hear Cr.No.67/2002 (Meghaninagar Gulberg Society Case) as expeditiously as possible, it may not prejudice the case of any of the parties. Therefore, we now direct the learned Presiding Judge to hear the said case on a day to day basis and keep the judgment ready, however, may not pronounce the same without the leave of this Court.


  1. We further request the learned Presiding Judge to

complete the hearing of Cr.No.67 of 2002 within three months’ time from today, without unnecessarily giving any adjournment to either of the parties.


CRLMP No.18983/2014 is disposed of accordingly.



(G.V.Ramana)                   (Vinod Kulvi)

Court Master                   Asstt.Registrar


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