
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Setalvad’s NGO expands its horizons

24, Nov 2017

Gulf News

November 24, 2017

Setalvad’s NGO expands its horizons

Organisation to also defend rights of tribals, Dalits, women and children

Published: 16:38 November 24, 2017 Pamela Raghunath, Correspondent

Mumbai: Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP), an NGO that has fought for the rights of oppressed religious minorities, especially victims and survivors of communal violence, will now also engage in advocacy for the rights of Adivasis, Dalits, women, children as well as marginalised communities

The CJP, a collective legal rights initiative, was born in 2002 to ensure transparency and accountability to a failing criminal justice system and is now expanding into a full-fledged human rights and legal resources platform.

As a part of its revamp, CJP is also launching a new website on the occasion of Constitution Day on November 26.

Believing that justice must be the threshold for lasting peace and harmony, through its rigorous 15-year journey, CJP has amassed a wealth of experience and expertise in negotiating the justice system and in promoting advocacy related to criminal justice system reform, be it witness protection, independence in investigation and prosecution and time bound trials. “Today, defending the Constitutional fundamentals on which India was founded is critical to India’s survival as a vibrant and representative democracy,” says Teesta Setalvad, co-founder and secretary, CJP.

The group is building new synergies in civil society by engaging with human rights defenders from different backgrounds. “Under the present dispensation, the right of free expression, the land rights of forest workers and Adivasis, the basic rights of Dalits and all minorities are under attack. These are all important focus areas of our initiative,” explained Setalvad.

“The time has come for those working on issues of human needs, rights and dignity to stand up for each other in one, vibrant citizen’s voice. Rights of all women, children and others are all important pillars of this struggle, ” she says.

CJP has already received support from several prominent civil society members who have witnessed first-hand the work done by the organisation so far. The website launch is expected to be a star-studded affair with prominent personalities from the field of law, art, cinema, journalism and literature endorsing CJP via personal videos and blogs.


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