
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Legal resources

To empower citizens with knowledge of the law, in both simplified and detailed formats, helps fights injustice in all forms.

CJP’s vast archive and resource base gives all Indians, regardless of caste, gender, class or community factsheets, ready reckoners and more elaborate judgement primers to understand how our judiciary and legislature, both, are furthering fundamental freedoms and rights.

Justice Done, Delhi HC Reads into evidence of ‘hostile witnesses’, convicts husband on charges of dowry driven murder Delhi High Court's judgment analysed

Judgment Primer: New precedent for cases with hostile witnesses Salek Ram Vs. State of NCT Delhi and ors. High Court of Delhi at New Delhi: Justice G.S.Sistani And Justice Chander Shekhar Date of judgment (pronounced): Nov ember 20, 2019 Delivered by: Justice G.S.Sistani Introduction: Witness turning hostile is the biggest nightmare for the prosecution of…

Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Area Act, 1996 (PESA) Enacted on December 24, 1996

The 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution provided for the three-tier Panchayat system under Part IX. Under the Amendment, Article 243M(4)(b) provided that the parliament may, by law, extend the provisions of the Panchayat system to the Scheduled Areas covered in Schedule V. The government established a High Level Committee under the chairmanship of Dilip…

Statistical Profile of Scheduled Tribes in India, 2013 Compiled by the Statistics Division of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs

The second edition in this series publication has been divided in nine sections: Section-1 covers population and the demographic distribution of Scheduled Tribes as per Census 2011. Section-2 enlists the status of education of the STs by looking at attainment and deprivation in areas of education of Scheduled Tribes. Section-3 shows the health and family…

Overview of the law pertaining to land and governance under the Fifth Schedule Compiled by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in collaboration with the UNDP

The United Nations Development Programme and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs collaborated to compile this report on law pertaining to Schedules Areas as covered under the Fifth Schedule. The Report has been divided into three parts. Part I covers the Fifth Schedule of the Indian Constitution and its related provisions such as the criteria for…

The High Level Committee’s Report on Socio-economic, Health and Educational Status of Tribal Communities of India (May 29, 2014) Committee headed by Prof. Virginius Xaxa

In August 2014, the Prime Minister’s Office constituted a High-Level Committee (HLC) with Prof. Virginius Xaxa as Chairperson. In its Terms of Reference (TOR), the Committee was mandated “to examine the socioeconomic, educational and health status of tribal communities and recommend appropriate interventional measures to improve the same”. The Report comprises thematic sections based on…

Expert Group Report on Development Challenges in Extremist Affected Areas (May 2006) The Planning Commission set up the 16-Member Expert Group on “Development Issues to deal with the causes of Discontent, Unrest and Extremism”.

The Group was established to investigate into the processes and causes which contributed to “continued tensions and alienation in the areas of unrest and discontent”, such as wide-spread displacement, forest issues, insecure tenancies and other forms of exploitation, identify causes for low social and human development indicators, suggest measures to upgrade the levels of governance…

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