Sabrimala Heroines Speak Out Bindu Ammini and Kanakadurga in conversation with Teesta Setalvad
13, Feb 2019 | CJP Team
The Sabarimala issue has yet again brought to the fore an age old conflict… one that is between a nation that belongs to all its people and a regressive, Brahminical thought. At such moments in history, the acts of courage of a few people bring about profound change. Bindu Ammini and Kanakadurga are two such courageous women, whose act of breaking patriarchal barriers, both at home and in society, by entering the Sabarimala shrine will surely be remembered for many years to come. Noted activist and CJP Secretary Teesta Setalvad spoke to them in Kerala. Watch this interview to find out more.
SC: Women of all ages can enter Sabrimala