
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Reporters Without Borders: 65 journalists killed in 2017

20, Dec 2017 | CJP Team

Reporters Without Borders (RSF), an international non-governmental organisation that protects and defends the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, has reported that 65 journalists were killed worldwide this year. Of these, 50 were professional journalists, 7 were citizen journalists, and the remaining were media workers, according to RSF. The group has said that 39 were murdered, and deliberately targeted, because their work “threatened political, economic, or criminal interests.” 26 were killed while working, because their work placed them in “deadly” situations, such as air strikes or suicide bombings. Of the 65 killed, 35 died in conflict zones. RSF highlighted that “2017 has been the least deadly year for professional journalists in 14 years,” attributing this to successful campaigns for the increased protection of journalists. However, the group also notes that many journalists have left countries that have become too deadly, or have pivoted to less dangerous occupations. “…Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya have been haemorrhaging journalists,” RSF said.


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