
Citizens for Justice and Peace

NRC’s New Directive Stirs Controversy Ahead of the Final List Sign Our Petition NOW!

30, May 2018

The National Register for Citizens (NRC), a record of ‘legitimate’ Indian citizens living in Assam, is being updated for the first time since 1951. Just one month away from publishing the final list of ‘legitimate’ citizens in Assam, the NRC director’s new directive brings in further confusions. As per the new directive the relatives of those designated as Declared Foreigners (DF) to be kept ‘pending’ and not included in the register. The new decision goes against the Assam accord of 1985 and pushes the citizens to further complexities in proving their citizenship.

A huge number of 1.39 crore Assamese, many of them from poor and marginalised communities, are under threat of having their legitimate citizenship revoked. CJP believes this is discriminatory. Join us and raise your voice against this injustice. Sign our Petition NOW!



Also Read:

More confusion in Assam after NRC clarifies order on families of DFs

What is it like to be stateless?

NRC leads to ‘othering’ of minorities in Assam


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