
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Mob torches 10 houses in Banaskantha village

26, Oct 2015

Oct 26 2015 : The Times of India TIMES NEWS NETWORK
Animosity Over Girl’s Abduction 5 Mths Ago Said To Be Reason
Ten houses of the minority community were allegedly torched by a group of people in Aarkhi village, some 70km from Palanpur, late on Saturday night.
Police have booked seven members of a Patel family by name and a mob of around 60 people.
Police sub-inspector S B Chaudhary told TOI that the incident seems to be a fallout of the five-monthold animosity between the two communities. “A 19year-old woman was kidnapped by a youth from the minority community five months ago. However, police traced and handed her over to her parents. The youth was also arrested.Since then, the families of minority community were living in fear and ultimately they left the village fearing attacks,“ Chaudhary said.
The mob on Saturday night took advantage of the police being busy with the Tazia procession.


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