
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Man arrested for raping minor cousin, getting her pregnant

19, Feb 2016

• 19 Feb 2016
• Hindustan Times (Mumbai)
• HT Correspondent
MUMBAI: The Cuffe Parade police on Thursday arrested a 22-yearold man for sexually assaulting and impregnating his 16-yearold cousin after promising to marry her.
The police said the accused has been assaulting the girl for more than three months. She found out she was pregnant in December. Officials said the girl was living in a slum pocket with her sister and was studying in a school in the same neighbourhood.
He would visit the girl’s house often.
He last met her in December, when her sister was not at home, and allegedly molested her.
“The accused then promised to marry her and asked the girl’s sister to get them married. But when she refused, t he accused raped t he girl and f l ed,” s aid an of f i cer from the Cuffe Parade police station.
The accused works as a contract labourer on construction sites and was arrested after the police tracked him down.


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