
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Locating the remains of the persons

10, Feb 2006

February 10, 2006

The detailed affidavits submitted by petitioner and victim survivor Ameenabehn and CJP includes details of the procedure for burial of unidentified and missing persons as per the Gujarat Municipalities Act  and the police norms and rules as stated by us in   earlier affidavit.  None of the detailed factual claims are countered by the state of Gujarat at all in any of its affidavits.

Victim survivors have made it plain that the gameplan of the state of Gujarat is to target them, victim survivors and eye-witnesses as much as citizens groups who they approached of our own free will to guide us through the legal battle does no speak much for an administration and government that should be showing compassion, remorse to its own people. If wrongs have been committed, inadvertently or deliberately, the way to set them right would be to make good what went wrong. Instead all of us have been treated as common criminals and even today are facing non-bailable warrants.

Victim survivors made it clear that it was they who approached Teesta Setalvad of the CJP and asked them to be present on 27-12-2005. They had made three unsuccessful attempts to locate the remains of our near and dear ones before that. They were not sure of any success this time.    They had made repeated attempts to get the authorities to listen to our anguished pleas for the remains of our brutally killed relatives so that their souls rest in peace. All this has been stated and documented by them in subsequent affidavits, too. Yet this hostile and antagonistic attitude by the administration reveals their true motive.

CDs of December 27, 2005 substantively prove what the victim survivors and CJP saying to be true. They have placed the CDs with transcripts before the Court.


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