
Citizens for Justice and Peace

JNU teachers join strike, to take ‘nationalism’ classes

16, Feb 2016

New Delhi, Feb 16 (PTI): Jawaharlal Nehru University teachers joined the students in boycotting classes on Tuesday in protest against arrest of its student union leader in a sedition case and said they would take classes on “nationalism” in the varsity lawns.
The students on Monday had gone on an indefinite strike till JNU Students’ Union president Kanhaiya Kumar is released and the sedition case against him dropped.
After 10 teachers and a group of students were attacked in Patiala House court complex where Kanhaiya was produced on Monday, the teachers association decided to join the students in boycotting classes.
“The administration is not only acting against students but also teachers and we are being openly attacked while the VC stays mum over it. The entire world is now referring to JNU as a hub of anti-nationals on basis of propaganda of few people in power. It is time we teach our students what nationalism is,” said Rohith Azad, a faculty member, who was among those who were attacked on Monday.
The one-and-half-hour long lecture on “nationalism” will be held every evening at 5 in front of the administration block.
JNU students union president Kanhaiya Kumar was arrested last week in connection with a case of sedition and criminal conspiracy registered over holding of the event at the varsity during which anti-India slogans were alleged to have been raised.


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