
Citizens for Justice and Peace

I challenge you to tell my caste: Smriti

25, Feb 2016

HRD minister gets emotional in Lok Sabha debate with fiery speech | Oppn demand for discussion on Rohith and JNU issues stirs House
Govt says that it has not branded JNU as an anti-national institution and urges all parties to keep aside differences
dna correspondent @dna
New Delhi: After a face-off with the BSP supremo in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday morning, Union Minister for Human Resources Development Smriti Irani, during her intervention in the Lok Sabha laced with emotions and melodrama in the afternoon, thundered, “My name is Smriti Irani. I challenge you to tell my caste.”
In her speech at the fag end of the adjournment motion moved by the Opposition to debate ‘situation arising out of recent incidents in institutions of higher education with reference to JNU and Hyderabad universities,’ Irani’s impassioned intervention using her acumen of passion bordering on sensation, targeted the opposition, as she reeled out letter after letter from her files, written to her by Opposition benches seeking favours from her, right from seeking admissions in central schools to appointing someone in universities. At one point, even the Speaker Sumitra Mahajan had a word of caution, reminding Irani that it was her job as a minister to act on MPs’ requests.


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