
Citizens for Justice and Peace

`Gaurakshaks’ assault Muslim couple on train

16, Jan 2016

Jan 16 2016 : The Times of India (Mumbai)

GRP Cop Rescues Woman From Vigilantes In MP
Several members of Gauraksha Samiti raided Go akhpur-Mumbai Kushinagar Express at Khirkiya railway tation in Harda district of Madhya Pradesh on Friday , suspect ng some passengers of carry ng beef, and assaulted a Muslim couple when they ob ected to their luggage being earched, said the police.

Government Railway Po ice constable Vijay Banke showed commendable courage to rescue Harda resident Naseema Bano, 38, from the group of beef vigilantes. Bano was shoved and pushed when she protested against her luggage being searched and nearly fell into the gap be ween the platform and the compartment, when she was rescued by constable Banke, moments before the train picked up speed.

Banke challenged the Gauraksha Samiti members when he heard Bano’s husband, Mohammed Hussain, 43, scream for help. Banke jumped into the moving train and managed to rescue Bano and pull her luggage out of the packed compartment. The couple was among several passengers assaulted by samiti members on suspicion of carrying beef, police said.


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