
Citizens for Justice and Peace

CJP in Action: No hurdle too big for our Volunteer Motivators Our work with those excluded from Assam's NRC persists

02, Nov 2018 | CJP Team

CJP’s efforts in Assam are ongoing, with our committed volunteers helping people across the state with the process for filing claims and objections for the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which has disrupted the lives of millions, leaving their fate as Indian citizens in limbo. Within a month of our toll-free helpline being launched, we were featured in Assam publications such as The North East Network, Sangbad 365, and Gan Adhikar. The Telegraph too wrote about our helpline.

All the credit goes to those who are staffing our helpline, and our Volunteer Motivators (VMs) who have traveled all over the state to help numerous people with their NRC documents. Just days ago, two of our Volunteer Motivators in the Chirang district, Pranjal Choudhury and Abul Kalam Azad, traveled 60 kilometres to the Deoshri village–crossing rivers, hills, and jungles–after our helpline received a call from one of Deoshri’s residents. In Deoshri, they helped many with their NRC documents. CJP would be unable to help those affected without the dedication of our Volunteer Motivators.

The CJP team, drawing from its previous experience in providing legal aid in Gujarat, has stepped in with a multi-faceted team of volunteers to ensure that these people receive a fair chance while filing claims across 18 of the worst affected districts. We want to help people reclaim their rights as citizens. We aim to scale up our campaign and for that we need your support. Your contribution can help cover the costs of travel, documentation and technological expenses and eventually legal expenses. Please donate generously here.

Our Volunteer Motivators have been able to reach out to diverse groups of people in Assam in a number of districts. With the claims and objections process having begun, we have our hands full. We are committed to working through the new deadline for the process that was set recently by a Supreme Court order, one that we cheered as it would further facilitate the filing of claims and objections.

Here’s a selection of photographs that showcases CJP’s efforts:

VMs Pranjal Choudhury and Abul Kalam Azad traveled 60km to Deoshri, Chirang, crossing hill, river, and forest to help residents there with their NRC documents, after receiving a phone call on CJP’s toll-free helpline.


VMs Pranjal Choudhury and Abul Kalam Azad in Deoshri, Chirang.


NRC awareness meet at Milan Bazar, Baksa district that was organised by AMBSU. Our Volunteer Motivators attended.


Helping those in Kayemari village, Baksa, with the NRC claims process.


Shajahan Ali Ahmed, Volunteer Motivator, Baksa attended a training program on how to fill one's own and one's neighbour's NRC claim form, organised by Azibar Hoque, NSK level volunteer, in Baksa.
Shajahan Ali Ahmed, Volunteer Motivator, Baksa attended a training program on how to fill one’s own and one’s neighbour’s NRC claim form, organised by Azibar Hoque, NSK level volunteer, in Baksa.


Today 10 am to 3.30 pm we checked documents of D voters at ARVUT complex, Barpeta Road on behalf of APICR like last 3 months continuously. In the help of #CJP . We also checked reasons of NRC exclusion & adviced for solution. Hundreds of victim were attended on whole day.
Shajahan Ali Ahmed, VM, Baksa helped check NRC documents belonging D voters at Barpeta Road, and provided advice.


Mubarak Ali, VM, Sonitpur met with people in Kachokoni and Rupkuria villages and helped them with their NRC documents.


Shajahan Ali Ahmed, VM, Baksa organised a village-level awareness program regarding the NRC claims process and the problems of D voters in Barpeta district.


Training to fill in the NRC forms in Sidhani, Barpeta.


Majidul Islam, VM, Barpeta helping fill NRC forms in Milijuli gaon, Barpeta district.


Mubarak Ali, VM, Sonitpur, helping locals with their documents.


Zamser Ali attended CJP’s community awareness camp at Erabari under Nagaon District


At CJP’s helpline centre in Guwahati


Sitenjoy Sarkar, VM, Bongaigaon district, arranged a meet to help with documents at Betbari gaon.


Pranjal Choudhury, VM, Chirang visited Choto Nilibari village in the Chirang district. There was a discussion on problems with NRC forms, rejected legacies, and the linkage process.



CJP in Action: Volunteer Motivators and Public Campaigns in Assam

CJP in Action: CJP Volunteer Motivators helping people file NRC claims in Assam

CJP’s Volunteer Motivators reach out in Assam

CJP in Action: Our attempt to avert a Humanitarian Crisis in Assam

CJP in Action: Words of encouragement pour in as CJP’s NRC helpline rings off the hook




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