
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Celebrating Human Rights A KHOJ Initiative

21, Dec 2017 | CJP Team

December 10 is celebrated every year as International Day of Human Rights. But even as privileged people hold galas and fund raisers to celebrate the day, the survivors of atrocities or the oppressed classes barely get the opportunity to express their feelings or share stories about their own journeys. KHOJ, an NGO that works in the field of school education and child rights decided it was time for children from socio-economically backward and oppressed communities to discover a day that speaks about defending the rights of all human beings.

KHOJ, that is also a partner NGO of CJP, decided to take celebrations to small schools in underprivileged neighbourhoods and get the children to express their feelings through art, craft, music and dance performances spread over a 10 day period starting December 10. Here are a few pictures from Matunga Labour Camp Marathi School No.1 and Rajshree Shahu Nagar Urdu School No.1 where children celebrated Human Rights Day even as parents and teachers cheered on.




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