
Citizens for Justice and Peace


He taught us the power of sustained advocacy A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by John Dayal

I met justice Hosbet Suresh personally for the first time maybe two and a half decades ago in his chambers with Advocate Muchhala, who I had known for some time because of my long and close association with the intellectual, professional, social and political leadership of the Muslim community, as a journalist and writer, and…

He was the voice of the voiceless A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by Sen Adv Gayatri Singh

Justice Suresh touched the hearts and souls of a large number of varied people, covering the remotest corners of the country. He was the voice of the voiceless, giving courage and strength to all those fighting the might of the state. Even in the most difficult and exacting times in the midst of increasing communal…

This will be a rare public archive of people’s Human Rights jurisprudence A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by Sen Adv Mihir Desai

It is indeed highly laudable that Citizens for Justice and Peace is creating an archive of post retirement documents of Justice Suresh. That it is being launched on his birthday is doubly gratifying. There have been a few instances in the past when judicial orders of highly respected judges are analysed and published. This must…

He opened my eyes to injustices A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by Irom Sharmila

A righteous man’s Karma never goes extinct from the soil of the Universe; the more someone else tries to darken it, the brighter it becomes to the Karmayogi’s afterlife. I came to witness the real goings-on in human rights violations due the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in my own native state of Manipur,…

He still remains a Morning Star for the Fishing Communities A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by Coastal Action Network

Archives are very important because they provide evidence of activities and tell us more about individuals and institutions. They can even ensure justice. Therefore, creating an archive in the name of Justice Hosbet Suresh will benefit the future generation. His commitment has lot to say to present and future activists. It will benefit more communities in their struggle…

He was a tower of strength for the oppressed and the exploited Tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by Lok Raj Sangathan

I was indeed very happy to know that the CJP is going to inaugurate the Justice Hosbet Suresh Archive. This is indeed very important to all of us who are fighting for dignified lives for our people, not only in our country but also abroad. As countless people all over our country have experienced, he…

He was a compassionate and courageous people’s judge A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by The CIEDS Collective

We are delighted that CJP has taken the initiative to start an archive bringing together the vast body of work left behind by Justice Hosbet Suresh. He was a compassionate and courageous people’s judge who presided over people’s tribunals held across the length and breadth of the country over the past three decades. In the…

His life and work will act as a beacon of hope for future generations A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by Flavia Agnes

I congratulate Teesta Setalvad and Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) for launching this online archive which will, over a period of time, have all Justice Suresh’s reports on a variety of subjects, from the day of his retirement as a judge of the Bombay High Court in 1991. It will be a great tribute…

CJP needs your help again! Donate to keep the #JungJaari for Human Rights

The lockdown didn’t slow us down. But now we need your help to keep the #JungJaari for Human RIghts. Donate now:   Related: CJP Impact: Four people released from Tezpur Detention Camp  CJP helps secure release of Bihari man dubbed Bangladeshi in Assam!  CJP helps reunite man released from Assam Detention Camp with long-lost…

2nd Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award The Siasat Daily

Hyderabad: The Centre for Study of Society and Secularism (CSSS) has organized a press conference to announce the 2nd Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award to be conferred posthumously on Late Justice Hosbet Suresh. The press conference will be on Zoom Cloud Meeting on 13th July 2020 at 3.00 pm. The link of the…

Assam Floods: Lost lives, livelihood, citizenship documents CJP's Assam team is collecting valuable NRC documents to keep them safe

Over the last couple of days, several parts of Assam have been hit by the ongoing floods. Over 1.5 million people are affected, across the 23 districts of Assam. CJP’s team in Assam have been visiting various districts to monitor and document the condition of the residents. A lot of these people are huddled together…

तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ को कनाडा की यूनिवर्सिटी की एज़ाज़ी डिग्री कनाडा के वैंकूवर में ब्रिटिश कोलंबिया विश्वविद्यालय ने प्रसिद्ध सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता तीस्ता सेतलवाड को डॉक्टरेट की मानद उपाधि प्रदान की है। The Inquilab

کینیڈاکے شہر وینکوور میں واقع یونیورسٹی آف برٹش کولمبیا نے مشہور سماجی کارکن تیستا سیتلواڑکو ڈاکٹریٹ کی اعزازی ڈگری سے  نوازا ہے۔وہ یہ اعزاز حاصل کرنے والی ۱۷؍منتخب عالمی شخصیات میں شامل ہیں۔یونیورسٹی آف برٹش کولمبیاانہیں اعزاز سے سرفراز کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ’’تیستا سیتلواڈ شہری حقوق کی سرگرم کارکن ، مصنف اورہندوستان میں…

Journalist &activist Teesta Setalvad gets reputed Honorary Doctorate from University of British Columbia Lokshasan News Network

UBC the award of an honorary degree is recognition by the University of British Columbia of distinguished achievement or of outstanding service. The criteria for the award of an honorary degree are excellence, eminence and accomplishment. Nominees must be exceptionally distinguished: scholars, creative artists, public servants, persons prominent in the community and the professions, and…

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