
Citizens for Justice and Peace


7 days of Fast Unto Death, no response from Government for Kashmiri Pandits The Fast-unto-Death of Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti President has completed a week

After a week of fast-unto-death for Sanjay Tickoo, President, KPSS, no one from the Government is bothered about his condition or the grievances of the 808 non migrant Kahsmiri Pandits living in the valley. Related: KPSS begins fast-unto-death Kashmiri Pandit delegation meets J&K LG Here’s why non-migrant Kashmiri Pandits feel betrayed Teesta Setalvad in Conversation…

Kashmiri Pandits’ fast unto death fails to move the government The Fast-unto-Death of Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti President has entered its fourth day

Even after 72 hours of complete fasting, no one from Government and Administration is bothered about the condition of Sanjay K. Tickoo President, KPSS, and grievances of 808 Non-Migrant Kashmiri Pandits / Kashmiri Hindus living in Valley. Related: KPSS begins fast-unto-death Kashmiri Pandit delegation meets J&K LG Here’s why non-migrant Kashmiri Pandits feel betrayed Teesta…

भले ही भारत को स्वतंत्रता 1947 में मिली हो, पर हमको 1952 में मिली है: हरि जगताप A CJP exclusive interview with Haree Jagtap on the occasion of 'Vimukti Diwas'

विमुक्ति दिवस को Denotified Tribes (DNTs) या विमुक्त जनजातियों का वैधीकरण हुआ था, इस से पहले इन जनजातियों को अपराधी की श्रेणी में गिना जाता था. इस अवसर पर, महाराष्ट्र प्रान्तीय नाथपंथी डवरी गोसावी समाज के अध्यक्ष, और समुदाय के वरिष्ठ सदस्य, हरि जगताप के साथ इस विशेष वार्तालाप को देखें। वे उन कई प्रताड़ना और संघर्षों के बारे में बता रहे…

The real news behind Suresh Chavhanke’s fake news factory CJP Hate Watch special story

Sudarshan TV’s Suresh Chavhanke of the ‘UPSC jihad’ fame is a serial hate offender – peddling hate and fake news is nothing new for him. But, what many people don’t know is that Mr. Chavhanke is an accused in  multiple criminal cases. Watch this video to find out more. Related: Press Release: CJP and AIUFWP…

वनाधिकार आंदोलन और कोविड-19: एक वेबिनार सीजेपी और अखिल भारतीय वन-जन श्रमजीवी युनियन द्वारा आयोजित

देश भर के वन निवासियों की आवाज सुनें इनमें से कइयों ने भूमि अधिकार के लिए लंबी और साहसिक लड़ाई लड़ी है. देखिये, जाने-माने वकील, कार्यकर्ता, विद्वान और पत्रकार एक साथ आकर इस बात का विश्लेषण कर रहे हैं, कि कैसे राज्य ने कोविड-19 का इस्तेमाल, वन निवासियों पर, वनाधिकार पर और पर्यावरण पर हमले…

Watch: Tharu Women singing their story International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2020

Tharu Adivasi people, from eastern Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Khiri district near the India-Nepal border, were among those affected hard during the lockdown. The Adivasi villagers alleged that the forest department prevented people from entering the forest during the lockdown and violently harassed women and other villagers. The villagers have voiced outrage and held multiple meetings…

वादी के कश्मीरी पंडितों में ग़ुस्सा क्यों है ? Teesta Setalvad in Conversation with Sanjay tickoo

आठ सौ से भी अधिक कश्मीरी पंडित जो अभी भी कश्मीर में रहते है, उनकी हालत बहुत ख़राब है। बार बार सरकार से गुहार लगाने के बाद भी कोई हल नहीं पहुँचा है। अब कश्मीरी पंडित संघर्ष समिति के संजय टिक्कू ने आंदोलन और भूख हरताल की घोषणा की है। आख़िरकार वादी के कश्मीरी पंडितों…

His ideas will linger on long after the State has failed to rewrite false narratives A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by Anand Grover

Justice Hosbet Suresh was a deceptively simple person. Simple in his lifestyle and clothing. Those things did not matter to him. The only thing that I remember he was fond of was his decanted coffee which he encouraged me to take. But his hallmark was his impatience with injustice, whether it be in a legal…

Archive of reports by Justice Hosbet Suresh released Citizens for Justice and Peace brings it out on the occasion of his birth anniversary - The Hindu

An archive of reports of tribunals and public hearings by the late Justice Hosbet Suresh in his post-retirement years was released by Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) on his birth anniversary on Monday.  In a statement, CJP said: “Justice Hosbet Suresh, legal luminary and a stalwart of human rights jurisprudence, continues to live on…

Allow postal ballot for migrant workers, rights groups tell EC Their memorandum points out that migrant workers are often unable to cast their votes as they are away from their home State - The Hindu

The facility of postal ballots should be extended to migrant workers, a group of civil rights organisations have said in a letter to Election Commission (EC). The Citizens for Justice and Peace, Lok Shakti Abhiyan, Bangla Sanskriti Manch, All India Union of Forest Working People and the Bharatiya Nagrik Adhikar Suraksha Manch have pointed out…

Plea to allow postal ballot: Only 31% of 10 crore ‘long distance’ migrants able to vote Counterview

Several civil rights groups have represented to the Election Commission of India (ECI) to declare migrant labourers as ‘notified electors’ in order to give them the right to cast their vote through the postal ballot. They have regretted that “the attendant ills of hegemony, money power in politics, class, caste and community interests” have overshadowed…

चुनाव आयोग को खुला पत्र: ‘प्रवासी मज़दूरों को भी मिले डाक से मतदान का अधिकार’ मीडिया विजिल

मशहूर सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता तीस्ता सीतलवाड ने चुनाव आयोग के नाम एक खुला पत्र जारी किया है। उन्होने बताया है कि सिटीज़न फ़ार जस्टिस एंड पीस की ओर से भारतीय निर्वाचन आयोग को ज्ञापन भेजकर प्रवासी मज़दूरों को भी डाक के जरिये मतदान का अधिकार देने की मांग की गयी है। कहा गया है कि आयोग…

CJP ने लिखा चुनाव आयोग को खुला पत्र, कहा- प्रवासियों की जिंदगी भी रखती है मायने Janchowk

तीस्ता सेतलवाड़, “आम नागरिक और लोकतांत्रिक शासन की सफलता में अपार विश्वास की बदौलत ही इस असेंबली ने वयस्क मताधिकार के सिद्धांत को अपनाया है। इस सभा का इस बात में पूरा विश्वास है कि वयस्क मताधिकार के जरिये एक लोकतांत्रिक सरकार की स्थापना से देश में जागरुकता और बेहतरी आएगी। लोगों का जीवन स्तर…

He took the road less travelled… A tribute to Justice Hosbet Suresh by his daughters

When did the realisation dawn that our Dad was more than just a father? Growing up, he was just this wonderful person who treated us all with fairness, who would always have time for his family and who would rarely, if ever, lose his temper with us. We were brought up to think independently; yet…

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