The Covid-19 Lockdown may soon ease off in West Bengal, however there has been massive damage done already, as it virtually cut off livelihoods of weavers and workers associated with the textile industry. The lockdown is said to have affected over six lakh registered workers associated with the weaving industry. CJP Grassroots fellow Ripon Sheikh…
CJP Assam is reaching out with its humanitarian work as our work against the ‘Citizenship Crisis’ continues. Amidst the Pandemic, we are delivering groceries, essentials and medical kits to marginalized families and previously released inmates of detention camps. We are also creating awareness about Covid-19 and distributing our CJP booklets so that these people can…
सीजेपी सचिव तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ द्वारा संचालित छात्र कार्यकर्ता आसिफ़ इक़बाल तन्हा का यह विस्तृत और जानकारी भरा इंटरव्यू देखें, जो बतौर एक छात्र, एक कार्यकर्ता, उनकी क़ैद और हाल ही में रिहाई के रूप में उनके सफर की दास्तान है. जिस से इस देश की न्याय प्रणाली और अल्पसंख्यकों की स्थिति का पता चलता है.…
Twitter has responded to CJP’s complaint against certain accounts that engaged in an abusive campaign against Muslim women. CJP in its complaint dated May 26, had also brought to Twitter’s attention certain posts made through these accounts that that demeaned Muslim women as “sex objects for Hindu men”. The content displayed pornographic videos of women…
Stranded Workers Action Network (SWAN) have released a new report, ‘No Country for Workers’, highlighting the Covid-19 Second Wave, Local Lockdowns, and Migrant Worker Distress in India. You can read the entire report on their website by clicking here. CJP has been campaigning to ensure that migrant workers get their right to vote. So that…
In this explorative interview, CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad speaks to Assistant Professor of National Law University Delhi & executive director of Project 39A, Anup Surendranath, about the current prison conditions in India and Prison reform. They go on to talk about the challenges faced within the prison system post COVID 19, police brutality within the…
CJP celebrates the illustrious life of Justice P.B.Sawant, ex judge of Supreme Court of India, and remembers the lessons we all learnt in his time with us. Watch his memorial meeting here Related: Equality postulates not merely legal equality but also real equality: Justice PB Sawant Secularism and the Constitution
सीजेपी ने अब तक असम के 4 डिटेंशन कैंपों के 41 कैदियों को सशर्त जमानत पर रिहा करवाया है. यह सुप्रीम कोर्ट के दो फैसलों के अनुरूप है. इस कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए, सीजेपी ने सभी कानूनी और ब्यूरोक्रेटिक प्रक्रियाओं और तरीकों का पालन किया. हमने यह कैसे किया, इसे एक ग्राफिक एनीमेशन…
While the marginalized regions, in UP’s Purvanchal, are still suffering amid COVID surge and lockdown, CJP volunteers are continuing the relentless work of creating awareness and providing relief to those who need it the most. This is how you can help. Visit: https://cjp.org.in/donate Related: CJP against Covid: Medical kits ready to be distributed in Purvanchal,…
What happens when you are arrested? Is it absolutely necessary for the Police to arrest you? What happens after the arrest? What are the procedures that are not followed? What is your rights on Arrest. Watch CJP’s new video to understand your rights when you have been arrested by the Police. To read or watch…
West Bengal’s Malda is famous for its variety of mangoes, which are exported all around the country and internationally. But the COVID surge, subsequent lockdown and Cyclone Yaas have deeply impacted the business of the mango farmers. Unable to ship their yield in time and being forced to sell mangoes at a compromised price point,…
कोविड तेज़ी से फैल रहा है जिस से अस्पताल में जगह की कमी हो गई है. वैसे भी सभी कोविड से संक्रमित लोगों को किसी अस्पताल जाने की या संस्थागत इलाज की ज़रुरत ही नहीं होती है. इस वीडियो के अलावा CJP ने कई अन्य भाषाओं में भी इस बुकलेट को संकलित किया है, जिसमें…
Watch Teesta Setalvad in Conversation with senior lawyer, Supreme Court, Prashant Bhushan as they discuss why bail to three student activists, charged under the UAPA in Delhi violence conspiracy case, offers a ray of hope for other political prisoners. Related: Facing The Fanatics CJP moves Supreme Court in Hathras case
यह रही CJP की मार्गदर्शिका, जिसमें घर पर रहकर, कोविड के लक्षण को समझने, आसानी से मैनेज करने और घर पर ही ठीक होने के तरीके बताए गए हैं. आप कई अन्य भाषाओं की बुकलेट और कोविड से सम्बंधित जानकारियां https://cjp.org.in/ से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं. A Podcast Series by Citizens for Justice & Peace · Episode…
From a Dalit woman in her sixties to a mother snatched away from her children. From a Bengali Hindu man unable to navigate the complex legal procedures to a father separated from his daughter. Here’s how CJP’s team in Assam secured release of four detainees lodged at different detention camps in Assam, after completing all…