On 7th December, a public meeting organised by Haji Gulam Mohammed Azam Education Trust saw an attendance of over 500 hundred people. CJP’s secretary, Teesta Setalvad, a key speaker at this meeting emphasized on the fact that a nationwide NRC/NPR is only being used to divide the country. She questioned how such an exercise can…
नागरिकता की रक्षा के लिए CJP जमीनी स्तर पर आंदोलन चला रहा है। हाल ही में, हमें एक ऐसे कार्यक्रम में बोलने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया था जहाँ लोग एनपीआर-एनआरसी के बारे में चिंतित थे। यहां हमने न केवल नागरिकों को आश्वस्त किया बल्कि इस लड़ाई में उनकी मदद करने का भी वादा किया।…
असम के डिटेंशन कैंप निर्जन और सुनसान भूमि पर बनाए गए हैं। यहां फॉरेनर्स ट्रिब्यूनल्स द्वारा विदेशी करार दिए गए लोगों को रखा जाता है। सुविधाओं के घोर अभाव में लोगों को रखे जाने की काफी आलोचनाएं भी होती रही हैं। इन कैंप्स में लोगों को तब तक रखा जाता है जब तक कि उन्हें…
63-year-old Majibur Rahman has just been released from a detention camp in Assam. But the poor man is still clueless as to why he was sent there in the first place. “My grandfather’s name was included in the 1951 NRC. But I was served notice for being a D-Voter and then declared a ‘foreigner’ by…
On November 16, 2019, a workshop on Citizenship was organized by CJP, NAPM and PUCL. The aim was to share our case studies and on-ground experiences about the effects of the implementation of NRC in Assam, the NPR and the Citizen Amendment Bill(CAB). The workshop was specially aimed at activists who work on the grass…
A complete guide to the NRC in India:
On 13th November, Molded and Minority Development Council organised a meeting to oppose the nationwide implementation of NRC and Citizenship Amendment Bill. The meeting was attended by progressive politicians and Activists. Related: Workshop for Activists on Citizenship Who is an Indian? A complete guide to the NRC in India कौन हैं भारत के नागरिक?
Indian Citizens in Assam are shattered by the NRC process. In spite of having valid documents, Gopal Das and his entire family were excluded from the NRC. Anima Dey lost her son Subrata Dey mysteriously in a detention camp. After that, her family has been living hand to mouth by selling cloth bags. Her teenaged…
Anima Dey is the mother of Subrata Dey who died mysteriously in a detention camp of Assam. Gopal Das was contemplating Suicide when his name wasn’t included in the NRC final draft until CJP intervened and helped him get his and his family’s name included in the final NRC. Hasan Ali is a suicide survivor…
52 year old Gopal Das went into a shock after the publication of the final draft of the NRC in July 2018. His entire family had been left out of the list despite having all documents. But CJP stood by the family and now their names have been included in the final NRC. Gopal Das…
असम का मानवीय संकट पूरे भारत में फैलने के लिए तैयार है। सत्ताधारी पार्टी लगातार धमकी दे रही है कि NRC को देशभर में लागू किया जाएगा। इसके जरिए सत्ताधारियों के मंसूबे भी साफ हो रहे हैं कि वे क्या करना चाहते हैं। इस आसन्न तबाही के प्रभावों को पहचानते हुए सिटीजंस फॉर जस्टिस एंड…
The humanitarian crisis brewing in Assam is all set to spill over across India. With a nationwide National Register of Citizens (NRC), an authoritarian regime threatens to split an already divided country one last time along the lines of citizenship. Recognising the ramifications of this impending catastrophe, Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) and People’s Union of…
Hasan Ali is a suicide survivor who CJP had counselled and assisted during the application process and has now been included in the final NRC. CJP is humbled to be a part of Hasan’s journey and genuinely happy for him. Hasan is coming to Mumbai on 11th October 2019. To meet him and listen to…
After having shared his experiences as a victim and as a volunteer who helped people in his village and other districts navigate the NRC process, Ashraful Hussain read out a touching poem he was inspired to write on the plight of the disenfranchised souls he met. Related: Final NRC published in Assam CJP in Assam:…